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针对乙肝病毒复制是一个离散动态过程,具有并发的特点,提出了一种基于Petri网的乙肝病毒复制动态过程建模方法.论文在分析病毒复制过程中各阶段发生的生化反应及所需要的酶、蛋白质等条件的基础上,依据病毒动态复制过程的实际,将复制过程的条件等因素转换为Petri网中的库所、变迁和托肯等要素,并确定用于描述复制过程的Petri网演变规则,完成乙肝病毒动态复制过程的建模.然后本文通过对模型的仿真和分析,从Petri网的有界性、可逆性和活性等特征上,结合乙肝病毒复制的实际对以上Petri网模型进行了初步分析.最后,本文在完成以上研究的基础上,提出了基于Petri网的乙肝病毒复制过程动态建模的进一步的研究方向. In view of the fact that hepatitis B virus replication is a discrete dynamic process and has the characteristics of concurrency, a Petri net-based method for modeling the dynamic process of hepatitis B virus replication was proposed in this paper.After analyzing the biochemical reactions and the required enzymes , Protein and other conditions, based on the actual process of virus replication, the conditions of the replication process and other factors into the Petri nets in the repository, transition and tokens other elements, and to determine the replication process used to describe the Petri net evolution Rules, to complete the process of modeling hepatitis B virus replication process.Then the model through the simulation and analysis of Petri nets boundedness, reversibility and activity characteristics, combined with the actual hepatitis B virus replication of the above model of the Petri net Finally, based on the above research, this paper proposes a further research direction of dynamic modeling of HBV replication process based on Petri net.
The ABCDE model has been described comprehensively to interpret the mechanism of floral organ development.In Arabidopsis,AGMAOUS was a well-studied class C gene
<正> 我省已故妇科名医郑兰芬生平临证以辨证论治见长理法方药结合严谨,因而在临床上取得很高的疗效,博得病家的信仰。兹将其临床经验整理介绍如下。 1 月经病 1.1 月经过多:
<正> 第一章互感器的用途大容量的电力系统的运行电压很高,流过的电流也很大。如将测量仪表及继电保护装置直接装设在一次回路中,会导致如下后果: (1)使测量仪表的制造困难,