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尘肺病是危害工人健康最严重的职业病,是我国职业安全与卫生的一个大问题。我国现有尘肺病患者达百万之众,占全国职业病总人数的70%以上。其发病率及病死率居高不下,近15年平均每年新发病人上万例,尘肺病的防治是世界一大难题。中国煤矿工人北戴河疗养院和南京胸科医院共同取得的《双肺同期大容量灌洗治疗煤工尘肺的临床研究》科研成果,被专家鉴定认为居世界领先水平。经肺灌洗治疗万余例次,效果满意,深受广大尘肺病人和企业的欢迎。该成果获1993年原煤炭部科技进步二等奖、1995年国家科技进步三等奖。十几年来,肺灌洗基础和临床研究不断深入和完善,技术日趋规范,不但取得多项奖励和专利,同时,在各级领导的关怀和支持下,正在广泛地进行推广应用,国内12家医院已经顺利开展工作。2004年该技术走出国门,成功地完成对越南的转让,为我国对外友好合作和文化技术交流做出了贡献。这是一项科技成果转化为生产力并产生重大社会效益和经济效益的典范,也为我国职业安全与卫生事业增添了光彩。 Pneumoconiosis is the most serious occupational disease that endangers the health of workers and is a major problem of occupational safety and health in our country. There are millions of pneumoconiosis patients in our country, accounting for more than 70% of the total number of occupational diseases in the country. Its morbidity and mortality are high. In recent 15 years, the average annual incidence of new cases in 10,000 cases, prevention and treatment of pneumoconiosis is a major problem in the world. Chinese coal miners Beidaihe Sanatorium and Nanjing Chest Hospital jointly achieved the “double lungs concurrent large-capacity lavage treatment of coal workers pneumoconiosis” scientific research, experts believe that the world’s leading level. Thousands of lung lavage treatment cases, the results are satisfactory, by the majority of pneumoconiosis patients and businesses welcome. The achievements won the second prize of scientific and technological progress of former Coal Ministry in 1993 and the third prize of national science and technology progress in 1995. Over the past decade, the basic and clinical research on lung lavage has been continuously deepened and perfected, and the technology has become more and more standardized. Not only many rewards and patents have been obtained, but also extensive promotion and application are underway with the care and support of leaders at all levels. The hospital has been working smoothly. In 2004, the technology went abroad and successfully completed the transfer to Vietnam, contributing to China’s friendly cooperation with foreign countries and cultural and technological exchanges. This is a model for the transformation of scientific and technological achievements into productive forces with major social and economic benefits. It also adds luster to the cause of occupational safety and health in our country.
利用中尺度区域大气模式RAMS对青藏高原下垫面植被变化的气候效应进行了数值模拟试验,研究了植被变化对区域气候的可能影响.结果表明,青藏高原气候效应在对流层高层(300 hPa)
在金昌水泥集团1 000 t/d预分解窑生产线现场,成都建筑材料工业设计研究院受业主委托亲自动手进行调试,一举实现达产.回顾了从开窑前的准备到开窑运行成功达标的工作过程及感