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我国古代祭墓风俗十分盛行,至今仍有很深的影响。祭墓,古称“墓祭”,“拜扫”或“扫墓”,它是通过墓前祭祀祖先及已故亲人的方式,表达对其怀念哀思。根据迄今的调查发掘,我国至迟在旧时代晚期已有墓葬。墓是指墓圹,即埋葬死者的处所。《方言》卷十三说:“凡葬而无坟谓之墓”,而坟是指埋葬死者筑起的土堆。可见墓和坟的区别是明显的。《礼记·檀弓上》说:“古也墓而不坟。”据说殷人的墓地上是不筑坟堆的,故无祭扫坟墓的风俗。至周代,开始在墓上筑坟堆,但也仅限于贵族阶层,这就是《周礼·春官·冢人》中所说的:“以爵等为丘封之变”。丘是王公之坟,封是诸臣之坟。这时不但有了坟,而且坟上还要种树。《白虎通·崩薨》说:“天子坟高三仞,树以松;诸侯半之,树以柏;大夫八尺,树以栾;士四尺,树以槐。”至于庶人,“不封不树”(《礼记·王制》),就是说,既不封土起坟,也不种树·坟的作 The custom of sacrificial ceremonies in ancient China is very popular and still has a profound impact to this day. The tomb, the ancient name “tomb festival”, “worship sweep” or “sweep the tomb”, it is through the tomb ancestors and deceased loved ones way to express their memory of grief. According to the survey so far, our country has burial by late Old Times. Tomb refers to the tomb, that buried the dead place. “Dialect” volume thirteen said: “Where burial without grave that the tomb”, and burial mound refers to the burial of burial mounds. Visible tomb and grave difference is obvious. “Book of Rites Tan Gong on the” said: “The ancient tomb and not tomb.” It is said that Yin cemetery is not built tomb heap, it is no custom to sweep the tomb of the customs. To the Zhou Dynasty, began to build graves on the tomb heap, but also limited to the aristocracy, which is “Zhou Spring official mound people” said: “The Lord as the Qiu Feng change.” Qiu is the grave of the prince, the seal is the graves of all the ministers. At this moment not only graves but also grasses need to be planted. “Bai Hu Tong · collapse 薨” said: “The emperor grave three mound, the tree to pine; princes and a half, the tree to cypress; the doctor eight feet, the tree to Luan; feet four feet, the tree to Huai.” As Shu people, “not Seal no tree ”(“ Book of Rites king ”), that is, neither cover the earth, nor planted graves
新生儿持续性肺动脉高压(PPHN)是足月儿和接近足月早产儿缺氧性呼吸衰竭的常见原因,其发生率在活产婴儿中占0.1%,在足月儿中约占0.2%-0.6%,死亡率高达10%-20%[1]。 PPHN患儿往往在
<正>一、祭祖先大年夜(廿九瞑或卅瞑),春分、清明、六月半、中秋节、重阳节、冬至、大寒等日子,民间多举行祭祖,祭毕饭福(聚餐),小宗之祠, 族共之,大宗即合同姓而祭;古时,农