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大理州杂交玉米制种形势看好云南省种子公司650031曹秉益1994年大理州计划制种近8000亩,其中弥渡县3240亩,宾川县3000亩,祥云县1200亩,为使计划落到实处,从2月份以来,州和基地县先后召开了种子工作会,研究部署种子生产;千方百计筹集亲... Dali Prefecture hybrid seed corn situation optimistic Yunnan seed company 650031 Cao Bingyi Dali Prefecture in 1994 plans to seed nearly 8,000 acres, of which 3240 acres Midu, Binchuan 3,000 acres, 1200 acres Xiangyun County, in order to make the project a reality, Since February, the state and county counties have held a seed working meeting to study the deployment of seed production; do everything possible to raise pro ...
The three-dimensional Navier Stokes equation and the k- ε viscous model are used to simulate the attack angle characteristics of a hemisphere nose-tip with an
By recording the fluorescence fraction of the cold atoms remaining in the magneto-optical trap (MOT) as a function of the release time,the release-and-recapture
冬季青绿饲料的缺乏,严重影响畜牧业生产,为解决冬季青绿饲料的缺乏,笔者作了青刈冬季小麦苗的试验: 一、地理概况:试验地思南县红光村位于思南县东部,地处亚热带季风气候,
Based on closed-orbit theory,the influence of an interface modifier on the photodetachment of H- in an electric field near a metal surface is studied.It is demo
石86—5144是石家庄地区农科所1981年用〔(765017×山前)F_1×75—78〕F_4 做母本、94354做父本育成的小麦新品种。1992年河北省品种审定委员会审定通过,准予推广。一、主要