
来源 :机械工人冷加工技术资料 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ilovegigi2
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哈尔滨市机械工业广大职工,以实际行动迅速落实全国工业学大庆会议精神,在市总工会等七个单位的组织下,全行业开展了两个月的为革命学创先进刀具表演赛,检阅了粉碎“四人帮”以后,全市刀具革新的新成果,促进了全行业岗位大练兵活动的蓬勃发展。在八十多个工厂,一万四千多人参加选拔赛的基础上,全市一百四十多名刀具革新能手,分七个场地为来自全市机械行业五千多名工人、干部和技术人员进行了精采的先进刀具表演。省、市委领导同志莅临大会,观看了表演。 The employees of Harbin Machinery Industry quickly implemented the spirit of the National Daqing Conference on Industrial Science and Technology. Under the organization of seven units including the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, the entire industry launched two months of advanced cutting tool exhibition competition for the revolution and reviewed the smashing. After the “Gang of Four,” the new achievements of the city’s tool innovation have promoted the vigorous development of the military training for the entire industry. In more than 80 factories, more than 14,000 people participated in the trials, the city’s more than 140 tool innovation experts, divided into seven venues for more than 5,000 workers, officers and technicians from the city’s machinery industry. A brilliant advanced tool show. The leading comrades of the provincial and municipal governments visited the conference and watched the performance.
为了吸取国外经验,本利增设“国外小经验”专栏。以图为主并附简短说明,介绍国外在设计、工艺方面的各种有关发明、创造和小经验,欢迎投稿 In order to draw on foreign experi
在华主席为首的党中央提出抓纲治国的战略决策指引下,第一机械工业部颁布了部标准JB 2278—78 金属切削机床通用技术条件。。这是一个全面考核机床产品质量的基本标准,也是制
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打倒“四人帮”,洛拖得解放。在华主席“抓纲治国”战略决策指引下,洛阳拖拉机厂由乱到治,恢复快,变化大,各方面的工作都走上了正轨。 When the “Gang of Four” was defe