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衡阳县委、县政府针对渔业生产秩序混乱,尤其是江河炸鱼、毒鱼、电鱼、无证捕鱼现象屡禁不止,捕捞渔民拒缴渔业资源增殖保护费等情况,结合依法治县工作,全面加强渔政管理,大力整顿江河渔业生产秩序,做到依法兴渔,依法治渔。他们的措施是: 一、学习法规、条例,提高思想认识。县委、县政府决定,由县政法委牵头,在渔业生产秩序混乱的樟木乡召开了依法治县、依法兴渔联席会。组织学习了《渔业法》、《湖南省渔业条例》等渔业法律、法规,通报了渔政工作情况。经过学习讨论使大家认识到整顿江河渔业生产秩序,是维护《渔业法》和保护渔民的合法权益的需要,是发展渔业生产的需 Hengyang county party committee and government for the disorder of fishery production order, especially the river fish, poisonous fish, electric fish, unlicensed fishing repeated prohibitions, fishing fishermen refused to pay the fisheries resources protection costs and other proliferation, combined with the county according to law, and comprehensively strengthened Fishery management, vigorously rectify the order of river fisheries production, so that fishing according to law, rule fishing. Their measures are: First, learn laws and regulations, regulations, and improve their understanding of ideas. County Party committee, county government decision, led by the county Political Science Commission, chaos in the order of fishery production Zhangmuxiang held in accordance with the law governing the county, fisheries joint meeting. Organized and learned the fishery laws and regulations such as the Fisheries Law and the Hunan Provincial Fisheries Ordinance, and reported on the work of fishery administration. After studying and discussing, we have realized that the rectification of the order of river fisheries production is the need to safeguard the “Fisheries Law” and protect the legitimate rights and interests of fishermen. It is also necessary for the development of fishery production
滨海县对虾养殖场隶属滨海县滩涂开发办事处,现有对虾养殖面积2630亩,淡水养殖面积700亩,600立方米水体养鳗池一个,另有年产400吨饵料厂和 200吨冷库各一座相配套,固定资产
According to the Thomson Reuter report on 20 June 2013, the 2012 Impact Factor of Chinese Journal of Catalysis has improved from 1.171 to 1.304. Chinese Journal
缩微技术作为一项应用技术,以其自身具有的难以为其他技术所替代的特点,已在许多领域被认识和利用。高校图书馆要实现向多功能型现代化图书馆的转化,缩微技术的运用仍 Micr
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