日本三洋公司生产的系列放象机(如VHP-Z1,VHP-Z2 HD等),已大量进入我国市场,但国内刊物很少介绍,维修资料及电原理图基本没有。本刊应广大维修人员和读者的要求,特邀有关专家对三洋公司近期推出的有一定代表性的VHP-Z2 HD型放象机进行实测,并绘制成电原理图,希望为研究和维修三洋公司生产的放象机提供指南和参考。由于实测和实绘的难度很大,难免有错或遗漏,因此仅供参考。若有错漏,希望广大读者谅解并来稿予以纠正和补漏。本期发表该机型的实测数据,实绘的电原理图将在下期“难得图纸”栏目中发表。本栏目今年将推出系列流行放象机、录象机或其他设备的实测数据。
Japan’s Sanyo’s series of video players (such as VHP-Z1, VHP-Z2 HD, etc.) have entered our market in large quantities, but the domestic publications are rarely introduced, and there are basically no maintenance information and electrical schematic diagrams. Articles should be the majority of maintenance personnel and readers of the request, invited the relevant experts Sanyo recently introduced a representative VHP-Z2 HD type playback machine measured, and drawn into electricity schematics, hoping to study and repair Sanyo The company produced the player to provide guidance and reference. Due to the difficulty of actual measurement and real painting, it is inevitable that there are mistakes or omissions. Therefore, it is for reference only. If there are mistakes, I hope that the majority of readers understanding and contributions to be corrected and trapped. Current issue of the model of the measured data, the real painting of the electrical schematic will be published in the next “rare drawings ” section. This column this year will launch a series of popular put machine, video recorders or other equipment of the measured data.