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汉代,南匈奴聚居在黄河中上游地区包括内蒙古、山西、陕西、青海等地。内蒙古中南部曾经是匈奴人活动的主要范围,头曼单于、冒顿单于一度在此建立幕南王庭,虽屡被蒙恬和汉武帝击退北返,但两汉时期匈奴人在此的活动并未绝迹。武帝时期浑邪王降汉,元帝时期呼韩邪单于南下称臣,到东汉建武四十八年日逐王比率领南匈奴附汉,这里一直是中原王朝安置匈奴降人的核心地带。特别是南匈奴因长期与汉人混居杂处,生产方式和生活方式都发生了巨大变化,自上而下的集体汉化进程之快几乎从考古学文化特征上无法辨认。在黄河中上游地区发现的汉墓中有一些是我们尚未辨认出的早期匈奴降人或南匈奴墓葬。包头张龙圪旦一号墓的墓葬结构、形态、随葬品几乎完全汉化,但在殉牲、头向北等丧葬习俗和喜用动物纹饰装饰品、马具、披发胡俑和肩部带波浪纹的实用陶器、较多骨器、金银器等随葬品特征上尚较多保留了匈奴传统文化的痕迹,据此可以从已发掘的学界认定的汉墓当中辨别出一些可能属于汉化的匈奴降人包括南匈奴人的墓葬。 The Han Dynasty and the Southern Hun concentrated in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River, including Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi and Qinghai. Central South of Inner Mongolia was once the main scope of the Huns activities. The leaders of the Huns and the Families of Manchuria once set up the curtain-court Wang Ting in this area. Though repeatedly repelled by Meng Tian and Han Wudi, the Huns in the Han Dynasty Activities have not disappeared. During the reign of the Emperor Wudi, the Han and Han dynasties were sacrificed by the Han Dynasty. During the reign of Emperor Yuandi, they were worshiped by the South under the command of the Southern Han Dynasty. They led the Southern Hun to the Han in the 48th year of the reign of the Eastern Han Dynasty and were the core areas where the Central Plains dynasty placed the Huns. In particular, due to the long-term mixed marriage with the Han Chinese, the mode of production and lifestyles have undergone tremendous changes. The process of collective localization from top to bottom is almost unrecognizable from the archeological and cultural characteristics. Some of the Han tombs discovered in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River are some of the early Huns or Han tombs that we have not yet identified. The tomb structure, form and funerary objects of the tomb of No. 1 Zhangdan Qidan in Baotou are almost completely finished. However, in funeral sacrificial ceremony and head northward, funeral customs and animal ornament decorations, harness, Phoebe and shoulder strap There are more traces of the traditional culture of the Huns on the characteristics of the practical pottery with more waves, the more skeletons, the silversmiths and other funerary objects. From this, we can discern some of the Han tombs identified in the academic circles that may belong to the finished Chinese Huns fell to include the tombs of the Nan Huns.