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前不久,中国社会科学院所属出版机构的一批资深编辑组团出访日本。在访问日本最大的综合性出版机构讲谈社时,我们的一位出版家向日方谈起这样一个问题:为确保出版物的编校质量,日本出版界采取的是什么措施?当谈及我们中国目前对出版物编校质量规定,出版物的差错率不超过万分之一的为合格品时,日本出版家对提出编校质量这样的问题甚感惊奇。他们除了对我们制定“差错率标准”不能理解外,还连连反问:“为什么要错呢?”仔细揣摩这位日本出版家的神态和口气,我们很容易理解日本出版界长期以来形成了的观念和共识:出版物压根儿是不应该错的!日本人讲起话来竟然如此的霸气,有时实在是让我们中国人心里很不服气。但日本出版物所达到的“精益求精”的水准,的确又令人不得不服。仅就日本讲谈社所采取的出版保证质量措施看,出版物确实不应该、也不可能出现差错。讲谈社共有职工1053人,在机构设置 Not long ago, a group of senior editors of the publishing houses affiliated with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences visited Japan. When visiting the Kodansha, Japan’s largest integrated publishing agency, one of our publishers asked the Japanese side the question of what measures should be taken by the Japanese press in order to ensure the quality of the editorial contents of publications. When it comes to us At present, China publishes the compilation and editing of quality requirements, the error rate of the publications does not exceed one ten thousandth of the qualified products, the Japanese publishers on the issue of editing quality is very surprised. In addition to failing to understand our standard error rate standard, they repeatedly asked: “Why should we do something wrong?” “Looking carefully at the demeanor and tone of the Japanese publisher, it is easy to understand how the Japanese press has long been Formed a concept and consensus: publications simply should not be wrong! Even Japanese people speak so domineering, and sometimes it is really let our Chinese people very unconvinced. However, the level of ”excellence" achieved by Japanese publications does indeed make people obsessed. Only with regard to the measures of quality assurance of publication published by Kodansha in Japan shows that the publications really should not and can not go wrong. Kodansha a total of 1053 employees, set up in the agency
Untextured bulk polycrystals usually possess macroscopically isotropic elastic properties whereas for most thin films transverse isotropy is expected, owing to
道琼斯公司(Dow Jones & Co.Inc.,DJ)在香港出版的、已有58年历史的亚洲英文周刊《远东经济评论》(FarEastern Economic Review)由于经营不善,从11月4日起改为月刊。《远东
诈骗是指以非法占有为目的,用虚构事实或隐瞒真相的欺骗方法骗取公私财物的行为。要识骗,首先需懂些骗子的招数,即骗术。据观察分析,骗子行骗常用以下骗术: 假冒客户 指诈骗
根据这次《统计法》和“两办通知”执行情况大检查的工作安排 ,6月11日至17日为统计执法“大检查宣传周” ,省和各地采取多种形式 ,因地制宜地安排好各项宣传活动 ,掀起了统计执法
【摘要】翻转课堂是对传统教学模式中的知识传授和知识内化过程进行颠倒而形成的新的教学模式。它注重学生如何“学”——怎样消化吸收和运用知识去解决现实问题,它是信息时代传统教学模式所遭遇的巨大的挑战。为适应时代发展的要求,教育管理者、实施者和参与者有必要进行相应的调整。本文旨在探究如何将翻转课堂模式应用于高职英语教学,以提高英语教学的整体水平。  【关键词】翻转课堂 高职英语 应用研究  引言  针对高