Structural and Chemical Diversity of TI-Based Cuprate Superconductors

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The first TI一based euprate supereonduetor,TI一Ba-Cu一(),was diseovered by 2.2.Sheng and A.M.Hermann仁1〕. TI beeomes supereondueting at 2.38 K.NumerousTI eompounds and alloys are supereondueting.TIMo6Ses has the highest transition temperature of1 2.2 K among all non一euprate Tl eontaining alloyand eompound supereonduetors.Before thediseovery of the euprate supereonduetors,some TIeontaining oxide supereonduetors were found,among whieh TI。.3W()3 has the highest transitiontemPerature,2.14 K. Sinee the diseovery of TI euPratesuPereonduetors,two distinet families have beenidentified.Soon after the diseovery of TI一Ba一Cu-(),supereonduetivity was eonfirmed in TI一Ba一Ca-Cu一()samples.The ehemieal eompositions anderystal struetures of those eompounds were workedout as T12BaZCu()6,T12BaZCaCuZ()。,andT12BaZCaZCu3OI。[2〕.This 15 the first family of TIeuPrate supereonduetors,whieh features two TIatoms in eaeh ehemieal formula. The first TI-based euprate supereonduetor, TI a Ba-Cu a (), was diseovered by 2.2. Sheng and AMHermann Ren 1〕. TI beeomes supereondueting at 2.38 K. NumerousTI eompounds and alloys are supereondueting .TIMo6Ses has the highest transition temperature of1 2.2 K among all non-euprate Tl eontaining alloy and eompound supereon d educers. Before the d every of the euprate supereon d educers, some TI eontaining oxide supereon d educers were found, among whieh TI. .3W () 3 has the highest transitiontemPerature, 2.14 K. Sinee the diseovery of TI euPratesuPereonduetors, two distinet families have beenidentified.Soon after the diseovery of TI 一 Ba 一 Cu - (), supereonduetivity was eonfirmed in TI 一 Ba 一 Ca- Cu 一 () samples. The ehemieal eompositions anderystal struetures of those eompounds were workedout as T12BaZCu () 6, T12BaZCaCuZ ​​(). , andT12BaZCaZCu3OI. [2]. This 15 the first family of TIuuPrate supereon duetors, whieh features two TIatoms in eaeh ehemieal formula.
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