Atom Microscopy via Dual Resonant Superposition

来源 :Communications in Theoretical Physics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ted_yu
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An M-type Rb~(87) atomic system is proposed for one-dimensional atom microscopy under the condition of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency.Super-localization of the atom in the absorption spectrum while its delocalization in the dispersion spectrum is observed due to the dual superposition effect of the resonant Reids.The observed minimum uncertainty peaks will find important applications in Laser cooling,creating focused atom beams,atom nanolithography,and in measurement of the center-of-mass wave function of moving atoms. An M-type Rb ~ (87) atomic system is proposed for one-dimensional atom microscopy under the condition of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency. Sure-localization of the atom in the absorption spectrum while its delocalization in the dispersion spectrum is observed due to the dual superposition effect of the resonant Reids.The observed minimum uncertainty peaks will find important applications in Laser cooling, creating focused atom beams, atom nanolithography, and in measurement of the center-of-mass wave function of moving atoms.
一支刻有“成都”等字样的战国铜戟在青川县出土。据专家考证,这是迄今所知的刻有“成都”二字的年代最早的实物。 这支保存完整的铜戟由刺和戈组成。在戈上,一面有翻铸文字
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11月10日晴太原双塔寺原名永祚寺,位于太原东南部郝庄村南,始建于明万历年间,寺内双塔,雄伟异常,双双耸立如笔,故有“文笔双塔”之誉,更被誉为太原的标志。 November 10 Qin
8月5日 晴  昨天,我去螺丝山广场学滑旱冰时,捉到了一对蟋蟀。  这对蟋蟀属于体形较长,不怎么会叫。在广场花坛的草丛中,有许多这种类型的蟋蟀:大约一寸长,铅笔一般粗细,眼睛有绿豆那么大,生长于头部两侧,占据了头部面积的一大半。头的上部长有两根不长的触角,头的最下方是嘴,嘴后面还有一对小触手。吃食物时,这对小触手就会把食物稳定住,尖尖的牙,竖过来切嚼东西。身子中间又圆又扁的区域是它的腰。最后就是它
执行力不是讲出来的,而是在培训的基础上企业自上而下做出来的,这已是成功企业的经验之谈了 Execution is not to speak out, but in training on the basis of the top-dow