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在文化部举办的一九八○年获奖影片展览周里集中映出的《天云山传奇》、《法庭内外》、《花枝俏》、《残雪》、《苗苗》等几部影片,题材不同,风格各异,艺术上各有千秋,但它们却有一个共同点,那就是在深入开掘作品思想深度的同时,比较成功地塑造了具有美好心灵、高尚情操的社会主义新人形象.无论是《天云山传奇》中那个被错划为右派分子后仍然坚定不移地相信党,并用顽强的精神继续从事天云山研究工作的罗群,还是《花枝俏》中那个曾经在十年动乱中染上不少恶习,但在家庭和组织的耐心教育下有了转变,在自卫还击战中英勇牺牲的战斗英雄黄永亮;无论是《法庭内外》中光明磊落、执法不阿的女法官尚勤,《残雪》中坚持原则、不徇私情,带头向不正之风开战的领导干部周丰,还是《苗苗》中一心扑向教育事业,有着“一颗爱孩子的心”的女教师韩苗苗,都给观众留下了深刻的印象,它们踏响了我们这个伟大时代的足音,反映出了现实社会生活的某些本质方面. Several films such as “Legend of Tianyun Mountain”, “inside and outside the courtroom”, “beautiful flowers”, “residual snow” and “Miaomiao” are all reflected in the 1980 film festival held by the Ministry of Culture. Different styles and different artistic styles, but they all have one thing in common: that is, they have successfully shaped the image of a new socialist man with a beautiful heart and noble sentiment while digging deeper into the ideological depth of his works. Yunshan Legend “that was wrongly designated as a rightist who still unswervingly believe in the party, and in a tenacious spirit continue to engage in research work of Tianyunshan Luo Qun, or” flower pretty “that once in the ten years of turmoil in the dye A lot of bad habits, but under the patient education of families and organizations, Huang Yongliang, a heroic hero who has been sacrificed in the self-defense and returned to the enemy, has never ceased to be law-abiding female judge in both courtesy and law enforcement. Can Xue ”insisted principle, not ignoring personal circumstances, take the lead in fighting the unhealthy trend of leading cadres Zhou Feng, or“ Miao Miao ”bent on education, has a“ love of the child’s heart, ”the female teachers Han Miaomiao left a deep impression on the audience. They rang the footnote of our great era and reflected some essential aspects of the real social life.
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