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一、引言果树隔年结果习性已在过去的园艺学文章中叙述过了,并被认为是不理想的事。隔年结果对商品生产和业余种植的果树都是一个重要的经济问题。苹果的大小年比梨的严重,对晚熟品种和早熟品种有同样的重要性。由于选用了现代砧木和树形,又由于果园栽培管理技术大为提高,目前,西欧隔年结果问题比1940年之前少多了。核果类果树没有明显的隔年结果现象。我们知道,有特别明显隔年结果习性的苹果品种有:较老的荷兰品种Brabantse Bellefleur和Zoete Campagne、老的德国品种Johannes Bottner、英国品种Miller’s Seedling、现代品种Benoni和Laxton’s Superb。虽然现代品种在总种植面积中所占比例很小,但其果实品质好,收益大。 I. INTRODUCTION The following year’s results of fruit trees have been described in past horticultural articles and are considered to be undesirable. The results of the following year are an important economic issue for both commercial production and amateur fruit trees. The size of an apple is more severe than that of a pear and is equally important for late-maturing and precocious varieties. As a result of the selection of modern rootstocks and trees, and because of orchard cultivation and management techniques greatly improved, at present, Western Europe, the results of the next year than before 1940 less. Stone fruit trees there is no obvious second year results phenomenon. We know that there are apples that have a particularly distinct year-by-year result: the older Dutch breeds Brabantse Bellefleur and Zoete Campagne, the older German breed Johannes Bottner, the British breed Miller’s Seedling, the modern breed Benoni and Laxton’s Superb. Although the proportion of modern varieties in the total area planted is very small, but the fruit quality is good, the benefits are large.
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她广征博采,汲取戏剧传统之精华;她刻意创新,开豫剧唱腔改革之先河。   她以豫剧《花木兰》风靡艺坛、家喻户晓。  她的人生就是一部“捐赠”史,向国家向人民捐飞机、捐钱捐物,向豫剧事业捐赠了毕生的心血。  她就是豫剧泰斗——常香玉     在打骂中度过“皮开肉绽”的童年    1923年秋天,常香玉出生在河南巩县一个贫苦人家,父亲本是当地有名气的豫剧艺人,但后来因为嗓子出了毛病,就在戏班里做一些打杂
认识刘普雷,是通过散打王赛事,4个年头近800场比赛,大部分是由他解说,因此被广大武术爱好者冠以“武林快嘴”的美称。这次因为疗伤,才知道原来他还有一双神奇的手。 今春非
In the present study, we investigated the anticancer effects of sodium butyrate (NaBu)on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cells in vitro.As a histone deacetylase
本期创业者:高长俊 葆婴公司高级客户主任1981年毕业于上海遵义中学1982年进某事业单位工作,1992年结婚1994年做了母亲.开始全职太太生活2000年11月加入葆婴公司 Current En