The influence of core affect on cyclo-ergometer endurance performance: Effects on performance outcom

来源 :运动与健康科学(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:A2335767
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Background: Core affect is defined as the most general affective construct consciously accessible that is experienced constantly.It can be experienced as free-floating (mood) or related to prototypical emotional episodes.The aim of this study was to examine the influence of pleasant and unpleasant core affect on cyclo-ergometer endurance performance.Specifically,we considered the influence of pleasant and unpleasant core affect on performance outcomes (i.e.,time to task completion) and rate of perceived exertion (RPE;Borg Scale,category ratio-10) collected during the task.Methods: Thirty-one participants aged 20-28 years were recruited.Core affect was randomly elicited by 2 sets of pleasant and unpleasant pictures chosen from the international affective picture system.Pictures were displayed to participants during a cyclo-ergometer performance in 2 days in a counterbalanced order.RPE was collected every minute to detect volunteers' exhaustion.Results: The study sample was split into 2 groups.Group 1 comprised participants who performed better with pleasant core affect,whereas Group 2 included participants who performed better with unpleasant core affect.Mixed between-within subjects analysis of variance revealed a significant 2 (group) × 2 (condition) × 5 (isotime) interaction (p =0.002,η2p =0.158).Post hoc comparisons showed that participants who obtained better performance with pleasant core affect (pleasant pictures;Group 1) reported lower RPE values at 75% of time to exhaustion in a pleasant core affect condition compared to an unpleasant core affect condition.On the other hand,participants who obtained better performance with unpleasant core affect (unpleasant pictures;Group 2) reported lower RPE values at 75% and 100% of time to exhaustion in an unpleasant core affect condition.Conclusion: Findings suggest differential effects of pleasant and unpleasant core affect on performance.Moreover,core affect was found to influence perceived exertion and performance according to participants' preferences for pleasant or unpleasant core affect.
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