近几年来 ,由于世界经济衰退、贸易保护主义盛行 ,反倾销案数量逐年上升。而我国加入WTO ,商品贸易开始与国际接轨 ,这无疑又使反倾销问题升温。为满足读者对反倾销的了解 ,本刊从第 7期开始刊载一些反倾销知识。本期介绍国外反倾销案调查处理机构。各国反倾销案调查处理机构欧
In recent years, the number of anti-dumping cases has risen year by year due to the world economic recession and the prevalence of protectionism. With China’s accession to the WTO, the trade in commodities has started to go hand in hand with the international community, undoubtedly heating up the anti-dumping issue. In order to meet readers’ understanding of anti-dumping, we published some anti-dumping knowledge from the 7th issue. This issue introduces foreign anti-dumping investigation and handling agencies. Anti-dumping investigations and handling agencies in all countries in Europe