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1 案情简介 1998年元月16日,我县组织春节前食品卫生执法大检查,发现某镇某个副食品门市销售的花生糖325g×20袋、芝麻糖250g×16袋,均无厂名、厂址、生产日期及保质期,按程序给予销毁处理。据店主及协同执法的该镇食品卫生检查员反映,该食品系本镇某个体户加工。执法组随即前往查处。经现场勘验,制作如下笔录:未取得卫生许可证加工花生糖325g×105袋,另据从业人员×××介绍已加工果子300斤外销;从业人员×××、×××两人无健康证明。当事人拒绝在笔录上签字,陪同人员签字作证,后经三名监督员合议,认为该加工点违反了《食品卫生法》第二十六条第1款、第二十七条第1款规定,依据 1 case introduction January 16, 1998, the county organized a large inspection of food hygiene law enforcement before the Spring Festival and found that a certain city of non-staple food stores selling peanut sugar 325g × 20 bags, 250g × 16 bags of sesame candy, no factory name, Site, production date and shelf life, according to the procedure to be destroyed. According to the owner and co-enforcement of the town’s food hygiene inspectors reflect the food department of the town of an individual processing. Law enforcement team immediately went to investigate. After the on-site inspection, the following transcripts were made: No hygiene permit Processing of peanut sugar 325g × 105 bags, according to practitioners ××× Introduced Processed fruit 300 kg Exported; practitioners × × ×, × × × No health prove. The parties refused to sign the transcripts, accompanied by the officers to sign the testimony, after three supervisors of the colleague, that the processing point in violation of “Food Sanitation Law,” Article 26, paragraph 1, Article 27, paragraph 1, in accordance with
近日 ,科技部、教育部、中国科学院、中国工程院和中国科协 5单位联合发布了《关于科技工作者行为准则的若干意见》。这是我国第一次就规范和指导科技工作者职业道德行为所制
第一条(目的) 为了规范上海松江出口加工区的管理,促进上海的加工贸易和对外出口,根据法律、法规和国务院有关设立出口加工区的规定,制定本办法。 第二条(区域定位) 上海松
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1999年10月14日 ,湖南省冷水江市个私协会秘书长谢田英获悉 :湖北省襄樊市南漳县峡口镇奠坪乡胎坪村农民徐雷 ,未满15周岁 ,在冷水江街道办事处涟溪桥被套加工业主金传益、金益良兄弟俩
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