
来源 :安徽史学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangwei521521
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本书把新四军军部在皖南三年的历史 ,从当时的大背景中去考察和研究 ,力求反映事物的本来面目 ,寓评论于客观历史的记述之中。军部在皖南 ,而新四军的活动不只是在皖南 ,军部指挥下的各个支队主要是在大江南北敌后地区作战 ,这是本书的记述范围。本书系统地记述了中国共产党如何坚持对新四军的绝对领导 ,新四军军部如何加强各方面的工作 ,不断提高全军的战斗力、促进全军的建设和发展 ,着重反映军部在皖南三年的特色和优势。强调指出 ,不能因为项英应对皖南事变有过错而抹煞他在新四军组建和发展中的贡献 ,更不能因为皖南事变的失败而淡化甚至抹煞新四军军部在皖南三年的伟大建树和光辉业绩。新四军的历史 (军部在皖南是前期 ,军部在苏北是后期 )是一个发展过程。没有前期的工作基础 ,也就不可能有后期的更加辉煌。 This book examines and studies the history of the New Fourth Army in the three years of southern Anhui from the background of that time, and seeks to reflect the true features of things and to include comments in the account of objective history. The army is in southern Anhui, and the activities of the New Fourth Army are not just in southern Anhui. The various detachments under the command of the military are mainly fighting in the enemy’s rear area in the Greater Jiangnan area. This is the scope of this book. This book systematically describes how the Chinese Communist Party upholds the absolute leadership of the New Fourth Army and how the New Fourth Army military forces have stepped up efforts in all aspects to continuously raise the combat effectiveness of the entire army and promote the construction and development of the whole army. Features and advantages. He stressed: We should not negate his contribution to the formation and development of the New Fourth Forces because of the mistakes made by Xiang Ying in the Southern Anhui Incident. Nor should we negate or even deny the great achievements and glorious achievements of the New Fourth Army in the three years of southern Anhui because of the failure of the Southern Anhui Incident. The history of the New Fourth Army (the military is a pre-Wannan period and the military is late in the northern Jiangsu) is a development process. There is no basis for the previous work, it can not have a more brilliant later.