年复一年的意甲18支球队争霸,有如江湖豪杰一年一度的豪赌盛会。每一次交恶之中,当一位位老将显出英雄迟暮、力不从心之时,又时常有少年英雄蓦然崛起扬威立万。有道是:长江后浪推前浪,江山代有才人出。本赛季意甲联赛中巴乔的衰退与蒙特拉的崛起,再一次验证了江湖争霸的残酷性。 风光不再的罗·巴乔 “英雄迟暮”四个字用在巴乔身上有点残酷,巴乔到1997年2月18日才满30岁,怎么算也还应该有四五年的江湖要闯。这位昔日少年得志的英雄在本赛季却表现出风光难再的颓势,人们不禁要问:巴乔真的不行了吗? 9月末意大利报纸曾发起了拯救罗伯特·巴
Serie 18 teams year after year, hegemony, as the annual gambling hero gambling event. In every wickedness, when a veteran shows a heroic twilight, powerless, and often young heroes suddenly risen. There is a proper way: the waves after the Yangtze River pushed forward waves, the generation of talented people on behalf of the country. This season Sergio Le Mans Bachiao recession and the rise of Montella, once again validated the brutal rivalry. No longer the scenery of Luo Baggio “heroic twilight” words used in Baggio body a bit cruel, Baggio until the age of 30 on February 18, 1997, how count should also have four or five years of rivers and lakes to break through . The former young hero of this season has shown a hard time again the decline, people can not help but ask: Baggio really die? The Italian newspaper in late September had launched a rescue Robert · Pakistan