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辽源市环卫处承担着全市290万平方米、82条主次干路、1092个居民委、44.3万人受益的垃圾清扫、清运、处理和900多座公厕清掏、保洁任务。几年来,该处领导班子坚持抓住“改”字,全面落实“包”字,加大规范“管”字,严格强化“算”字,以人为本,内强素质,外树形象,促进了事业的发展。——实施三项制度改革。在人事制度改革上,将机关原来的10个科室减为7个,减掉管理干部31人;中层干 The Liaoyuan City Environmental Sanitation Department is responsible for 2.9 million square meters of the city, 82 main and secondary roads, 1092 residents committees, 443,000 people benefited from garbage cleaning, removal, handling, and cleaning and cleaning tasks for more than 900 public toilets. Over the past few years, the leadership of this department has persisted in grasping the word “reform”, fully implemented the word “package”, increased the standardization of “management”, and strictly strengthened the word “calculation”. The image of the outside world has promoted the development of the business. - Implement three system reforms. In the personnel system reform, the original 10 departments of the organization were reduced to 7 and 31 management cadres were reduced;
组织严密 统去统归肥乡县现有大中型联合收割机203台,为提高小麦联合收割机的利用率以及经济效益、社会效益,在总结往年经验的基础上,我们完善组织措施,环环搞好服务,今年夏收又成功
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一九九九年十月二十六日川办发[1999]72号省建委、省计委、省监察厅《关于建立四川省建设工程管理交易信息网络的意见》已经省政府同意,现转发你们,请认真执行。 On October
INCORPORATING works of art into modern communities is a recent cultural trend enthusiastically being followed by Beijing’s real estate developers. Kingdom Gard
海德格尔(1889 ̄1976)被认为是20世纪欧洲哲学家中“跑得最远的人”。海德格尔的著作被认为是“自黑格尔的精神现象学以来最重要的哲学事件”,“在黑格尔以后,世界上还从未出现