Sharing of Teaching Experience

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  In a twinkling of an eye, he has been teaching in South Korea for half a year.From the day I was preparing to join Confucius Institute, I realized the mission I had to undertake and made a lot of preparations for it.I remember at the beginning, I saw a sentence “when you are engaged in a profession, you must be full of enthusiasm and shine on your post”. This sentence has been deeply inspiring me and let me devote myself to my work with 100% enthusiasm.After months of persistence and training, I was able to share some of my teaching experience with everyone.In the teaching process, I attach more importance to effective communication with students, through which I can understand the students’ knowledge.Effective communication is a powerful magic weapon to solve the barriers between teachers and students.Of course, in the process of communication, we should maintain understanding and respect for students, and we should not stand on the moral high ground to criticize or question students.
  Generally speaking, teachers and students are prone to cognitive differences due to differences in age, growth environment and thinking mode.Therefore, teachers should look at problems from the students’ point of view, so that students can feel the teachers’ understanding and respect for him, thus creating a sense of warmth and satisfaction.In addition, if you want to truly understand the students, you must pay attention to investigation and research, find the crux of the students’ problems, and through talking with them, let them put down their burdens and catch up.In addition to understanding, teachers and students should pay attention to equality and build a bridge of equality and harmony.To truly achieve equality, teachers must overcome psychological barriers, that is, psychological barriers caused by age differences.Teachers should pay attention to understand the psychological and physiological characteristics of students, understand their interests and hobbies, carry out systematic teaching plans, and try their best to adapt and coordinate their speech and behavior with the students.
  Specifically speaking, my students are often older than me.So they are more tolerant to me, just like the elders to their children.There are many ways of communication, the most important of which is emotional communication.The ancients once said: nothing is more popular than affection.Since Confucius in China, scholars of all ages have also placed great emphasis on the infectious and educational effects of emotion.For example, the Ming Dynasty scholar Wang Shouren said that “teaching young children today will make them tend to be inspired and joyful, and they will not be able to enter themselves”. All these show the infectious characteristics of emotional communication.For students, teachers’ emotional appeal cultivates students’ emotions, communicates students’ thoughts, and completes the psychological strength of two-way communication. Therefore, in educational activities, we should take more effective ways to strengthen emotional communication between teachers and students.   In addition, as teachers, students younger than themselves should be given more care.Teachers’ concern can drive teachers themselves to overcome various difficulties in teaching with maximum patience and tenacity, tap their potential and innovate educational methods to achieve good educational results.The love of teachers is also a great impetus to the development of students.With this kind of love, the relationship between teachers and students can be established, the students’ affinity and admiration for teachers can be aroused, and their teaching plans can be better completed.Younger students, especially adolescent students, have a strong sense of autonomy.As a teacher, don’t force them to memorize and read, but try to stimulate and expand his interest while enabling him to understand memory.Learning a language focuses on interest and persistence, both of which are indispensable, and the lack of one may eventually lead to failure.Teachers should use more language to encourage students and give timely affirmation and encouragement when they see the progress of students. Only in this way can students like the teacher’s class more and speak and learn more actively in class.
  A good classroom is not achieved overnight, but is the result of the joint efforts of teachers and students.Therefore, since we have the opportunity to work in such a good working environment, we should stick to the essence of the words “when you are engaged in a profession, you must be full of enthusiasm and glow in your post”.The process of growth has to go through many setbacks and hardships, and the success of a class also has to go through a process from difficulties to ease and happiness. What our teachers need to do is to be responsible and hard-working in this process so as to be qualified teachers.
写作在初中英语学习中是非常重要的部分,也是让许多学生感到极为困难的部分。对于初中英语的学习而言,听与读是语言的源泉,是获取新知识的主要途径,而说与写是语言表达的主要方式,四者紧密结合,相辅相成,共同促进学生学习的有效提升。  一、“以读促写”的重要性  1.积累词汇,增加知识储备。丰富的知识储备是学生学习的基础,学生通过长期的阅读与学习积累了丰富的知识,并将这些基础知识运用到日常阅读与写作中,再次
【摘要】主题教学方式是依托英语课程内容,围绕“人与环境、人与社会和人与自我”三大主题语境,通过“生成和创设与主题意义密切相关的语境”而开展的丰富多彩的课堂教学活动。多年的教学实践表明,单元主题教学法是可以和交际法、现代语法翻译教学法等同等重要的一种教学方式,只要认可之、践行之,必能收获惊喜。  【关键词】英语;主题;教学方式;实施  【作者简介】李军斌(1971.09-),男,汉族,甘肃庄浪人,甘
【摘要】众所周知,语法对于学生学习英语是极其重要的,但是目前我国中学英语语法教学过程中还存在不少问题,严重影响了英语语法教学。本文将针对情景教学法在中学英语语法教学中的应用进行深入的探析。  【关键词】情景教学法;中学;英语语法;教学;现状  【作者简介】魏义珍(1960.11-),男,汉族,甘肃省会宁县会师镇第四中学,大学专科,中学高级教师。  随着全球化的不断深入,英语学习对于当下的学生来说更
【摘要】英语交际教学法,也被称为交际性和功能性教学法,它是一种基于社会语言学和功能语言学的外语教学方法。这种方法从学生使用语言的日常需求出发,将教学过程变得沟通化,强调在运用语言的过程中学习语言,培养个人的表达能力,从而通过语言了解他人的想法。与此同时,也可以通过恰当的語言表达自己的想法。因此,在我国高中英语教学中应用交际教学法,既符合语言使用的交际功能,又能提升课堂教学成效。  【关键词】交际教
【摘要】随着素质教育的整体推进,教育主管部门明确提出要全面提高教育教学质量,因而对八年级英语学困生的转化是十分必要的。本文通过分析学困生形成的原因,如学生个性发展、注意力不集中、自控力不足、教师教学方法有误等,进而提出在教学活动中转化学困生的方法,如因材施教,差异化教学;因势利导,重点帮扶;在教学中对学困生进行人文关怀等,帮助学困生走出困境,提高学习兴趣和成绩。  【关键词】教学质量;学困生;心理
【Abstract】Task-based language teaching is a useful approach in second language acquisition and has been widely used in china in recent years. Based on its strengths and criticisms, this paper would fo
【摘要】新课改对小学英语教学提出了新的要求,教师要打破原有的教学方式,注重培养学生的英语学习兴趣,并引导学生掌握更适合自己的学习方法。当前,小组合作教学模式得到广泛使用,它能有效提高学生的学习自信心,培养团队合作精神,提高学生学习的主动性。本文主要就如何有效地开展小组合作教学进行分析和论述。  【关键词】小学英语;合作教学;有效性  【作者简介】裴启慧,江苏省宿迁市泗洪县泗洪通州实验学校。  在当
【摘要】本文从“看、划、标、想、写”五个流程,全面分析了大学英语四级作文从审题到写作的整个过程。这一过程,既包括了对题目和内容的解读,又包括了对文章结构的剖析。它不仅对大学英语四级写作提供了科学的审视流程和思维方法,而且对其他类型的英语写作测试,同样具有一定程度的启发意义。  【关键词】四级写作;流程;方法  【作者简介】何明烈(1974-),男,汉族,四川南充人,成都理工大学工程技术学院,副教授