
来源 :物理化学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ouerfadaide
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The title reactions with R=Me, Et, n-Pr were studied in a temperature range of 298-313K by spectrophotometry. lt was fOund that the rate with respect to [complex] is unity and that to [amine] is fractional. A linear relationship between [amine]/kobs and [amine] was observed, where kobs stands for pseudo-first-order rate constant. The rate increases with the increase in water content of the solvent. A mechanism involying a preequllibrium of an adduct formation between the complex and aAnne was proposed. The equation derived from the mechanism explained all the experimental results and the preequllibrium constants, rate constants of the rate-determing step along with the activation parameters were evaluated. The title reactions with R = Me, Et, n-Pr were studied in a temperature range of 298-313K by spectrophotometry. Lt was fOund that the rate with respect to [complex] is unity and that to [amine] is fractional. A linear relationship between [amine] / kobs and [amine] was observed, where kobs stands for pseudo-first-order rate constant. The rate increases with the increase in water content of the solvent. A mechanism involying a preequilibrium of an adduct formation between the complex and aAnne was proposed. The equation derived from the mechanism explained all the experimental results and the preequilibrium constants, rate constants of the rate-determing step along with the activation parameters were evaluated.
中国科协 2 0 0 0年学术年会于 9月 17~ 2 0日在古城西安召开 ,来自世界和全国各地包括 60多位两院院士的 4 50 0多位科技精英汇聚西安 ,大会主题是“西部大开发 :科教先行和
菌痢是夏、秋季常见的传染病。我们从1971年3月以来,在学习兄弟医院经验的基础上,应用花生油制剂穴位注射治疗急、慢性菌痢105例,疗效尚满意。现介绍如下。 Bacillary dysen
目的:采用HPLC法测定利鼻片中黄芩苷的含量。方法:色谱柱:Agilent C18(5μm,250×4.6mm);流动相:甲醇-水-磷酸(43:57:0.2);检测波长:280nm。结果:黄芩苷在0.13~4.16μg范围内
为了观查冻干卡介苗的效果,我们采用了多刺法对学龄儿童进行了接种观查,兹报告初步结果。 观查方法及分组 一、选择我市远郊区小学四所,分别属于南桐矿区及北碚区,对全部儿童