
来源 :中国妇幼卫生杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:anglewang
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目的探讨社区提供婴儿保健指导过程中结合家长参与健康教育措施的应用效果。方法本次研究对象选取于2014年5月-2016年8月,上海市徐汇枫林街道社区卫生服务中心体检登记的168例婴儿,随机分配至常规组和观察组,每组84例,常规组婴儿由社区医院按照一般健康宣教流程进行指导,观察组为家属发放婴幼儿健康知识手册,留取联系方式,定期告知家属疫苗接种时间,社区定期举办婴儿健康保健知识讲座,观察两组家长对于健康教育工作满意度,比较家长对于婴儿保健知识掌握程度及其对儿童保健的态度和行为。结果观察组家长接受保健知识干预后,不同月龄的婴儿健康体检参与率均较高,常规组婴儿接受体检参与率较低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);经健康教育后,常规组婴儿接受I类疫苗接种按时率均低于观察组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。常规组家长对于保健相关知识掌握评分均较低,观察组上述评分均较高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论加强社区婴儿保健知识健康教育措施,鼓励家长积极参与,提高家长对婴儿保健相关知识掌握能力,提高家长预防婴儿常见疾病的意识,家长定期带婴儿接受疫苗接种,接种及时率较高,且健康体检参与率较高。 Objective To explore the application effects of community-based health education in providing infant health guidance. Methods The subjects selected from May 2014 to August 2016, 168 cases of infants registered at the Community Health Service Center of Fenglin Street, Xuhui District, Shanghai were randomly assigned to the routine group and the observation group, with 84 cases in each group. The routine group Infants were guided by community hospitals according to the general health mission process. The observation team issued infants and young children’s health knowledge manuals for family members. Contact information was kept regularly to inform family members of vaccination time. The community regularly held infantile health care knowledge lectures and observed two groups of parents’ Satisfaction of education work, comparing parents’ understanding of infant health knowledge and their attitude and behavior towards child health care. Results After taking health care knowledge intervention, the health examination participation rate of infants in different age groups was higher than that in normal group, and the participation rate of physical examination in infants in routine group was lower (P <0.05). After health education, Group I infants vaccinated on time were lower than the rate of observation group, the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). The scores of mastery of health-related knowledge were lower in the regular group parents, and the scores in the observation group were higher, with significant difference (P <0.05). Conclusion The measures to improve health education of infant health knowledge in community are strengthened. Parents are encouraged to participate actively. Parental knowledge about infant health is improved. Parents’ awareness of prevention of common diseases in infants is improved. Parents regularly take their babies for vaccination. Physical examination participation rate higher.