Present Situation of Petroleum Machinery Manufacturers in China

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<正>Since China joined the WTO,the environment for the development of petroleum machinery industry in the country has changed a lot.
限制的 CNOOC 的科学、工艺的发展在第十个五年的计划时期期间进入了 newstage。在公司的高技术研究催化 thetechnological 革新近海石油工业。在中国下面由为巨大的 Bohai
<正>Overview Development of fine biomass fuels is an important content of implementing the energy construction guideline in China.
<正>A treasure trove called Bohai Bay It is highly possible that offshore areas in Bohai Bay will yield further crude reserves as more exploration projects are
<正>As the world’s second biggest energy consumer, China plans to boost its natural gas production by 50 percent by 2010 to meet the increasing demand at home.
<正>Based on the recent reports from the nation’s news media, China is looking for an appropriate time to impose a tax on gasoline,
<正>On November 16.2007,CNPC Research Institute of Safety and Environment Technology was established to support the Company with more consistent safety and envi
<正>Thanks to rising oil prices, Global oil giant Royal Dutch Shell has made huge profits-$9 billion-last quarter. Yet the oil giant’s main profits come from t