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当前档案的标准化工作,要根据档案现代化管理的“九五”计划,制定自身的总体规划,同时要大力宣传贯彻已出台的有关档案的国标和行标,以适应档案管理现代化的需要。这是国家档案局副局长、中央档案馆副馆长郭树银于4月15日至18日在沪召开的全国档案工作标准化技术委员会第六次年会暨换届会议上提出的要求。 全国档案工作标准化技术委员会成立于1991年3月26日。它是国家档案局领导下的全国档案系统标准化技术工作组织,负责档案专业领域的标准化技术归口工作。在此之前,由国家档案局档案工作标准化领导小组及其办公室从事这项工作。随着国家档案局机构改革,由综合科教司法规标准化处具体承担全国档案工作标准化的行政管理工作,负责组织制定档案工作标准并监督标准实施,同时积极筹建全国档案工作标准化技术委员会。这一委员会成立后,先后就档案工作的国标、行标的立项、审查,进行了 At present, the standardization of archives should be based on the Ninth Five-Year Plan for the modernization of archives and its own overall plan should be formulated. At the same time, it is necessary to vigorously publicize and implement the national standards and standards that have been promulgated on archives to meet the needs of the modernization of archives management. This is the request made by Guo Shiyin, deputy director of the State Archives Bureau and deputy director of the Central Archives, at the 6th Annual General Meeting and Sessions of the National Archives Standardization Technical Committee held in Shanghai from April 15 to April 18. National Archives Standardization Technical Committee was established in March 26, 1991. It is the National Archives Bureau under the leadership of the National Archives System Standardization Technical Organization, is responsible for the standardization of archives field of focus of work. Prior to this, by the State Archives Archives work standardization leading group and its office engaged in this work. With the reform of the State Archives Bureau, the General Administration of Justice, Standards and Law of the Integrated Science and Education Department is responsible for the standardization of archives work in the country. It is responsible for organizing the development of archival work standards and supervising the implementation of standards. At the same time, it is actively preparing for the establishment of the National Archives Standardization Technical Committee. After the establishment of this committee, successively on the national standard archives work, the subject of the subject of the project, review, conducted
一、企业档案人员的心理障碍表现在5个方面。 1、清高自负心理 有些档案人员对改革开放中的新事物这也看不惯,那也不顺眼,耻与为伍,对市场经济的正常业务往来嗤之以鼻,自诩