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通过有限元数值模拟技术与物理试验相结合的方法,验证了42CrMo钢前轴淬火过程组织转变模型的正确性。采用该模型对整个前轴组织分布进行定量分析,准确预测前轴各截面组织分布。研究结果表明,组织转变以马氏体转变为主,且散热较快的工字筋部位马氏体含量最多,座板次之,颈部较小,散热最慢的拳头部位最少,贝氏体含量分布规律与马氏体相反;结合前轴的结构特点,颈部的组织影响了前轴的整体力学性能,可以在淬火时,在淬火槽中前轴颈部位置加装强制对流装置,提高散热速度,使马氏体转变更加充分,从而提高颈部力学性能;淬火时,在热应力与组织应力的共同作用下,前轴产生较高的残余应力,淬火后回火,可消除残余应力。 Through the combination of finite element numerical simulation and physical experiment, the correctness of the microstructure transition model of 42CrMo steel front axle quenching process was verified. The model was used to quantitatively analyze the whole front axle tissue distribution and accurately predict the distribution of each cross section of the front axle. The results show that the main part of the transformation is the transformation of martensite, and the part of the tendon with faster heat dissipation has the highest content of martensite, the second is the seat plate, the neck is smaller and the fins with the slowest heat dissipation are the least. The bainite According to the structural characteristics of the front axle, the structure of the neck affects the overall mechanical properties of the front axle. During quenching, a forced convection device can be installed on the front axle neck of the quenching tank to increase the Cooling rate, the martensite transformation more fully, so as to improve the mechanical properties of the neck; quenching, thermal stress and stress in the joint role of the front axle to produce higher residual stress, quenching and tempering, to eliminate residual stress .
为研究珠江虎门河口悬浮物中重金属的分布特征及其污染风险,为重金属的污染防控和治理提供科学依据,本文于2017年8月在该海域内布设固定观测点进行27 h连续水文观测,共采集了
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We study the photodisso-ciation dynamics of CS2 in the ultraviolet region using the time-sliced velocity map ion imaging technique.The S(3PJ)+CS(X1Σ+)product c
中国船舶科学研究中心(CSSRC)新近建成了一座小型冰水池(SIMB),用于冰相关的基础研究,诸如冰模拟、冰力学性能测试以及冰与结构相互作用研究等.该冰水池主尺度为8m(长)×2 m(