
来源 :通俗歌曲 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sketchupbim
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艺术歌曲作为一种音乐体裁,与钢琴伴奏紧密联系,钢琴伴奏在艺术歌曲中构成一种表演形式,在歌曲伴奏中,它既能烘托出歌曲的情绪,又能巧妙的与声乐演唱者的歌唱声部融为一体,共同进行歌曲的二度创作。声乐演唱中,钢琴伴奏很好的与演唱者结合在一起,形成一个有机的组成部分,能够为演唱者创造很好的音乐氛围,本文通过音乐实践活动的体验,结合自身对于钢琴伴奏技巧与艺术歌曲之间的关系探讨钢琴为艺术歌曲的演奏技巧和艺术修养的分析,得出地位不可被忽视的钢琴伴奏者不管从演奏技巧上还是艺术修养上都需要进行训练,这样才能成为一个合格的艺术歌曲钢琴伴奏者。 Art songs as a musical genre, closely linked with the accompaniment of the piano, the piano accompaniment in the art song constitutes a form of performance, in the song accompaniment, it can express the mood of the song, but also clever and vocal singers singing Part of the integration of the two songs together for the creation. Vocal performance, the piano accompaniment is very good and the singer combined together to form an organic part of the singer can create a good musical atmosphere, this article through the practice of music activities, combined with their own piano accompaniment skills and art The relationship between songs Piano art songs for the performance skills and artistic accomplishment analysis, come to a position can not be ignored piano accompaniment both in terms of performance skills and artistic training needs training, so as to become a qualified art Song piano accompanist.
We demonstrate here seven pure cyclic samples,which belongs to two series of oligoesters,cyclic oligo(trimethylene terephthalate)s(COTTs) and cyclic oligo(butyl
从来源、著者、年代、主题、专题等5方面对1995~1999年在5种核心期刊上发表的有关信息分析论文作统计分析,并详尽论述信息分析研究的现状与发展趋势。 From the sources, aut
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1 临床资料 先证者 :男 ,出生体重 4 .5 kg,剖宫产 ,出生时面部与全身皮肤呈青紫 ,对外界刺激有反应 ,肌肉张力好 ,心率 98次 /min,Apgar评分 7分。家系调查 :祖父现 82岁
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A novel non-coplanar aromatic diamine monomer,3,3’-ditertbutyl-4,4’-diaminodiphenyl-4’’-naphthylmethane(TAPN) was synthesized by a condensation reaction of
目的 比较三种治疗宫缩乏力性出血的方法及效果。方法 单用催产素、单用米索及催产素配合米索三种方法治疗宫缩乏力性产后出血的疗效及止血时间长短的观察。结果 米索组止血