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沙特阿拉伯塔伊夫城有一个25岁的姑娘,她长得很漂亮。可是,她不明原因地“哑”了20年,多方医治无效。有一天,媒人领进家一个比她大25岁的长得很丑的老头子,见面之后,姑娘的父亲威逼她嫁给他,一急之下,姑娘讲出了20年来第一句话:“我宁死也不嫁给他!” 姑娘的“哑”症竟然因此而不治而愈。这样的事例在古代《医部全录》中也有记载。明朝年间,某地一个姑娘得了一种怪病,打哈欠后两上肢再也放不下来了,家人只好请来郎中诊治。只见郎中看着病人说,治这个病必须用艾叶炙肚脐下的丹田穴,说完,就动手去解姑娘的裙带,姑娘羞得忙用双手来护,不知不觉中两个上肢都放下来了。从某种意义上说,这属于医学范畴的事。但这对人生不无启迪,一个人只要处于一种特定的环境氛围中,然后给人 There is a 25-year-old girl in Ta’if City, Saudi Arabia. She looks very beautiful. However, she has no reason to “dumb” for 20 years, multi-party treatment is invalid. One day, the matchmaker led a ugly old man who was 25 years older than her. After the meeting, the girl’s father forced her to marry him. In an emergency, the girl uttered the first sentence in 20 years: “I would rather not die to marry him!” The girl’s “dumb” disease unexpectedly died from it. Such cases are also recorded in the ancient “medical records.” During the Ming dynasty, a girl in a certain place got a strange disease. After her yawning, her upper limbs could not be released any more. Her family had to come to see him for treatment. I saw the Langzhong looking at the patient said that the disease must be treated with Ai Ye Sunburn under the navel point, finished, it is necessary to resolve the girl’s corset, the girl shame busy with both hands to protect, unconsciously, both upper extremities are put Down In a sense, this belongs to the medical category. But this is enlightenment to life, as long as a person in a particular environment, and then give
“拥有一项关键能力,成为这个方面不可多得且不可或缺的人物” “Has a key ability to become a rare and indispensable figure in this area.”
心灵,是博大而纷繁的世界。这里有亲情的歌哭,有爱情的悲欢,还有友情的冷暖……和其他各种题材的诗相比,我国古代流传下来的情爱相思诗相对不多,但也不乏佳作。 The mind is
人生是一次选择心情的游戏,选择什么样的心情,你就选择了什么样的人生—— Life is a game of choice mood, choose what kind of mood, you choose what kind of life -
英文有托福考题,将来有一天,要有一套中文托福……故先准备一套模拟题供洋考生复习。一、听力理解 1.男:看那个妹妹、好靓哦! 女:看你个大头鬼! 问:这个女的说的是什么意思?
捕捉您生活中每一次感动发掘您最美好或最痛苦的记忆本栏目主持人诚请您一吐为快为热心的读者讲述真实的生活故事 Capture each and every move in your life to explore yo
生命像一粒风中的种子,有太大的理想空间,却无法有太多的选择余地—— Life like a seed in the wind, there is too much room for ideals, but can not have too much cho