Reconstruct Green andPeaceful Homeland

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  In Eastern Africa, the Somali Peninsula, there is a country that has a relatively small territory but used to make a flare-up of tension in the world – Somalia. Years of civil wars made the country suffer, and rampant pirates’ activities made this place a “cradle of pirates”. This is an alarmist talk or true? Recently, our reporter made an exclusive interview with the Somalian Ambassador to China. During the interview, the reporter could feel strongly the innocent heart of the Ambassador that is long for peaceful life and ecological safety.
  “In fact, Somalia is neither as dangerous as people described nor a byword for pirate. I have to tell people what the real Somalia is like”. The Ambassador went straight to the point and told the reporter eagerly that this “eventful place” has a long coastline of 3200 km, miles of white beaches, colorful coral reefs and diverse biosphere. Without civil wars and pirates’ activities, this place would have become a world-famous tourist destination.
  Ecological Destruction in the Wars
  When the Somalian Government collapsed in 1990, all of the governmental institutions, security organs, departments, offices and national armies were shut down. All of the systems, including transportation, business, social services, also ceased operations. Recalling these situations, the Ambassador still could feel some uneasiness lurking in his mind. He knew that the country’s condition was extremely hard. Although this had happened before in Somalian history, if it lasted for too long , the society was likely to lose its orders completely, and a tremendous damage would be made to people and nature. “Because of wars and the lack of management, the ecological environment of Somalia has been affected to various extents indeed.”
  In 2012, Somalian Central Government was established, which symbolized the ending of the 22-year non-government status. However, the new government is still facing a lot of difficulties. One of them is the al-shabab, which is a conservative Islamic anti-government armed organization. “In their minds, there is no conception of ‘government’. To prevent this country from normal running, they make bomb suicides and kill people. They also try to misguide people to build an Islamic government. They also believe there should be a universal government for the entire world. This is impossible, because each country has its own government, and a universal government is contrary to the laws of history. Some of these people have been persuaded by us and agreed to join the peace process, while others are still active in rural areas. Sometimes we have to use armed forces to wipe out those terrorist organizations.”   The Ambassador said frankly that the measures to preserve ecological safety are affected during the combats, because the anti-government activities definitely break the social stability and therefore hinder the implementation of the environmental protection policies. In addition, Somalia has started to develop its industries which create pollution sources. Although the pollution conditions are not serious, the Somalian government has come to realize they need to take efficient measures to prevent the expansion of pollution.
  To Rebuild a Green and Peaceful Homeland
  The Ambassador believes that natural environment is a very complex system, and ecological safety means people’s determination about climate and environment. However, in the past, the country was in a state of non-government, so Somalia had no ability to manage the country’s economy, environment and education. “No one can imagine a land without government. It is like living in a jungle. There is no police, no security staff, and no army. Everything is in chaos. Now we have a government. Everyone is trying to help the country recover from the previous damages and rebuild a green and peaceful homeland. At present, every department of the government is carrying out its duties. The Ministry of Agriculture starts to take a look at the environmental issues, and the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education are all taking actions. For example, Somalia is carrying out a tree-planting program and making a campaign for the green life-style in order to encourage people to take part in the actions for environmental and ecological restoration. Moreover, we need to pay special attention to those ecological and environmental damages caused by wars, no matter what measure we take. In fact, the new government is also paying attention to environmental protection at the same time of economic development. For example, in some areas with serious droughts, the government tries to make people’s life better by adjusting water resources distribution and planting trees.”
  The Ambassador admitted that after the decades of wars, the reconstruction of country is not easy. From now on, Somalia will establish contacts with more ecological experts and organizations. At the same time, the Ambassador also hopes that the Somalian Ministry of Agriculture can have a clear understanding of the ecological problems in Somalia as soon as possible, so that the protection work can be more specific. “The key of this stage is to collect information, summarize what damages have been caused in the past 22 years of turbulence, and analyze the current measures for preserving ecological safety. China has a long history and diverse cultures, and the ecological philosophy embedded in Taoism is one of them. Now we have more reasons to learn from it, and use it in Somalia. Preserving ecological safety not only needs our own efforts, but also needs multilevel cooperation with and helps from the international community as well as the UN. It may take a while for us to see the effect, but I hope our efforts will achieve something eventually.”   Peace is the Prerequisite for Economic Development and Ecological Safety
  The Ambassador told the reporter that national security is the primary task for the Somalian Government now. Only with peace, can the economy develop and ecology be safe. Actually, Somalia possesses the longest coastline in Africa and very rich resources. For instance, the fishery resources can reach 500,000 tons every year. However, because of the non-governmental status in the past 20 years, the fishery capacity of Somalia is very limited, and illegal fishing activities are rampant. Apart from that, Somalia is also abundant in livestock and natural gas resources. Also because of the turbulent conditions in the domestic, many resources have not been properly developed and utilized.
  The Ambassador showed his proud face when he talked about the potential of Somalia’s future development. “At present, the government is fully promoting the peace process, hoping to realize the complete security of Somalia as soon as possible, and this is our responsibility. We also want to make use of every possible channel to show the Chinese people and the whole world how Somalia is like after a responsible government was established and what we want to achieve in the future several years. As the country’s conditions become more stable, I believe many countries would like to invest in Somalia. China, for instance, has a traditional friendship with Somalia. If the government didn’t collapse in 1990, Somalia would have become a main partner country of China, in the field of economy, culture or social affairs. From now on, we will establish wide cooperation with countries that have a good-neighborliness and friendliness like China. Once we have more funds and technological support, we can better protect our ecology and environment. ”
  The wise man sitting in front of the reporter used to be a pilot in the Somalian Air Force. He was appointed as ambassadors to many countries one after one another, including Cuba, Sudan, Mozambique, China, Australia, North Korea, the Philippines and Swaziland etc. He witnessed the rise and developments of these countries. In fact, it is the second time that he was appointed as the Ambassador to China, and the last time he was appointed by the old Somalian Government. After the government collapsed, the Ambassador had to return to his motherland and promote the peace process. In his opinion, China’s “one country, two systems” policy is an innovation and model for resolving conflicts peacefully, and it is worth learning for Somalia.
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