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銮披汶1938年出任泰国总理后大力推行极端民族主义政策,其中不少是通过自上而下的文化改造国家法令推行的,因此也被称为“文化民族主义”。这一文化政策对泰国的艺术文化、社会发展等方面都产生了深刻的影响,在泰国现代社会的身份认同和文化塑造方面也发挥了重要作用。銮披汶时期的文化改造以西方社会作为模板,以作为民族国家的泰国能达到西方国家文明水准为目标,这与他对文化实用主义的认知有关。梳理并剖析泰国銮披汶时期的文化政策,将有助于我们更好地理解其民族主义政策及泰国现代文化的生成根基。 Since its launch as Thailand’s prime minister in 1938, the imperialist government vigorously pursued an ultra-nationalist policy, many of which were promoted through the top-down cultural reform of state decrees and are therefore also known as “cultural nationalism.” This cultural policy has had a profound impact on Thailand’s arts and culture and social development. It has also played an important role in the identity and cultural shaping of Thailand’s modern society. Cultural transformation in the period of imperialism in Penang was based on the Western society as a template and Thailand as a nation-state was able to achieve the standard of civilizations in Western countries, which was related to his cognition of cultural pragmatism. To sort out and analyze the cultural policy during the Thai-Cambodian era will help us to better understand its nationalist policies and the foundations of modern Thai culture.
【正】 北京市温泉结核病医院和北京市结核病研究所采用生物转盘加氯消毒两级处理方法进行污水消毒和净化取得了良好效果。其流程为: 经过沉淀、生化处理及加氯消毒后,污水处