Diastereoselective alkylation of the (+)-ketopinic acid ketimine derived from benzylamine

来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:felixsilent
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Alkylation of the ketimine 2 obtained from condensation of (+)-ketopinic acid and benzyla-mine with a variety of alkylating agents gives the products whose trends in diastereomeric excesses (1-100% O. P.) appear to correlate with the structure and reactivity of electrophilic agents. Using excessn-butyl lithium and allylic or benzylic halides, β-alkylation occured. Alkylation of the ketimine 2 obtained from condensation of (+) - ketopinic acid and benzyla-mine with a variety of alkylating agents gives the products whose trends in diastereomeric excesses (1-100% OP) appear to correlate with the structure and reactivity of electrophilic Using excessn-butyl lithium and allylic or benzylic halides, β-alkylation occured.
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