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新疆教育出版社是新疆唯一一家教育专业出版社,有近60年的办社历史,主要承担维吾尔、汉、哈萨克、蒙古、柯尔克孜、锡伯六种文字的中小学教材和教育教学类用书以及少数民族学汉语系列教材的编译、编写出版任务,同时编辑出版维吾尔、汉、哈萨克三种文字的《新疆教育报》,维吾尔、哈萨克两种文字的《新疆教育》杂志和维吾尔、汉两种文字的《小学生时空》杂志。几十年来,新疆教育出版社主动服务自治区工作大局,不断改革创新,逐渐发展成为新疆中小学教材建设基地,教育报刊出版基地。曾荣获首届“全国新闻出版行 Xinjiang Education Press is the only education professional publishing house in Xinjiang. It has nearly 60 years of experience in running a business. It mainly undertakes primary and secondary school teaching materials and teaching books for Uygur, Han, Kazak, Mongol, Kirgiz and Xibe as well as teaching books for ethnic minorities To compile and compile the series of Chinese textbooks, and edit and publish the ”Xinjiang Education Newspaper“ of Uyghur, Han and Kazak languages ​​as well as Xinjiang Education Magazine and the Uighur and Chinese versions of the ” Primary School Time and Space “magazine. For decades, Xinjiang Education Press took the initiative to serve the overall work of the autonomous region, constantly reforming and innovating, and gradually developed into a base for the construction of teaching materials for primary and secondary schools in Xinjiang and an educational press publishing base. Won the first ”National Press and Publication
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