
来源 :食用菌 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangguoliang
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金针菇袋栽,一般是采用单袋直立地排放一头出菇或排在床架上出菇,前者占地面积大,后者设备投资多和管理不便.为了克服这些缺点,我们从1986年起研究了金针菇堆筒栽培技术.堆筒栽培结果表明,单筒装料比一般袋栽多2倍以上,单位面积投料比袋栽直立排放出菇多15~20倍,菇房空间利用率高,管理方便,降低了成本,提高了经济效益.现介绍如下:(一)栽培季节金针菇是低温型菇类,栽培季节宜在秋、冬、春三季进行.(二)塑科筒规格采用宽为20~26cm的聚乙烯筒料,裁成55cm的塑料筒作栽培容器.(三)培养料配制常用棉子壳、木屑(阔叶树)、玉米芯(粉碎)、高粱壳、酒糟等作栽培料.棉子壳可单独使用,其他原料可二、三种混合使用,其用量为 In order to overcome these shortcomings, we have studied from 1986 onwards, because of the large area occupied by the former and the inconvenience of equipment investment and management. The results showed that the single-tube loading was more than 2 times of that of normal bagging, the feeding per unit area was 15 ~ 20 times more than that of erect upright bagging, the utilization rate of guilty room was high, management Convenient, reduce the cost, improve the economic benefit.Here are introduced as follows: (a) Flammulina velutipes during the cultivation season is low temperature mushrooms, the cultivation season should be in the autumn, winter and spring quarters. (B) plastic barrel specifications using a width of 20 ~ 26cm polyethylene tube material, cut into 55cm plastic tube for cultivation container. (C) training materials preparation Commonly used cotton seed shells, sawdust (broadleaf tree), corn cob (crushed), sorghum shell, Sub-shell can be used alone, other materials can be two or three mixed use, the amount of
竹荪(Dictyophora Sp),在真菌分类学中隶属担子菌亚门腹菌纲鬼笔目鬼笔科竹荪属.早以“竹林之香草”而得名,素有“真菌之花”的美誉,是我国具有很高食用和药用价值的名贵食