In order to provide information on the publication of the handbook, at present, long-term research is being conducted on the fracture fatigue of aluminum forged alloys. All of these alloys are high-strength AlZnMgCu (7000 series) alloys. Originally, only constant-amplitude fatigue loading was considered. Normally, the relationship between the stress amplitude Sa and the logarithm N of the fatigue life is made as a so-called S-N curve fitted to the data to show the result of the constant amplitude fatigue test. The usual method for making S-N curves is to determine the best position of the smooth curve through each data point by visual acuity. This approach is obviously very subjective, and it is questionable when the data is significantly distorted and approaches the fatigue limit. Near the fatigue limit, there will inevitably be two samples that have been fractured and not fractured, and they differ greatly in fatigue life.