认真学习 大力宣传 全面贯彻——中山市《防洪法》宣传贯彻情况综述

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八届全国人大通过的《防洪法》已于1998年1月1日正式实施,它标志着我国防洪事业进入了一个新的阶段,防洪工作步入了法制化轨道。为有效落实《防洪法》,把全市防洪工作推上新台阶,市水电局作为市人民政府水行政主管部门,认真履行《防洪法》赋予的职责,下大气力狠抓了《防洪法》学习、宣传、贯彻三个环节,使全市人们的水患意识、依法防洪意识、居安思危意识和防汛抢险人人有责的责任意识得到进一步确立。1 多层次学习,提高各级依法行政意识 The “Flood Control Law” adopted by the Eighth NPC has been officially implemented on January 1, 1998 and marks a new phase of flood control in our country. Flood control work has entered a legal orbit. In order to effectively implement the “Flood Control Law”, the city’s flood control work to a new level, the Municipal Water Power Bureau as the municipal government department in charge of water administration, conscientiously fulfill the “flood control law” to give the duties, make great efforts to pay close attention to the “flood control law” to learn , Propaganda and implementation of the three links, so that people in the city’s awareness of flooding, flood control according to law, awareness of safety awareness and awareness of responsibility for flood prevention and rescue were further established. 1 Multi-level learning to raise the awareness of administration according to law at all levels
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