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In this Paper, PVC membrane Selective clectrodes are prepared for theophylline which are based on its ion-pair complexes with hexadecylt- rioctylammonium iodide (HTOA) , hexadecyltributyl-ammonium iodide (HTBA), hexadeeyltriophenylphosphonium iodide(HTPP), triphenyloctylphosphonium leoide(TPOP) and tri(p-tolyl) butylphosphonium iodide(TPTBP).The effects of the nature of associate counterions, the plastieizers and their concentrations in the membrane phase have been studied. The electrode based on theophylline-HTOA membrane has a sub-Nernstian response range from 2.0×10~2—6.3×10~(-5)mol/L,with an average slope of 48.0mV/pC. The limit of detection is 8.7×10~(-6)mol/L. The electrode responses were not affected by pH in the range 10-12. The potentiometric selectivity coefficients of various common inorganic and organic ions including those which are similar to theophylline in structure were determined. The Na_2CO_3-Na_2B_4O_7 buffer of pH 11 is selected as the background solution for potentiometric measurements. The electrode was used for determining the theophylline in pharmaceutical preparations with satisfactory results. In this Paper, PVC membrane Selective clectrodes are prepared for theophylline which are based on its ion-pair complexes with hexadecyl t-rioctylammonium iodide (HTOA), hexadecyltributyl-ammonium iodide (HTBA), hexadeeyltriiodylphosphonium iodide (HTPP), triphenyloctylphosphonium leoide The effects of the nature of associate counterions, the plastieizers and their concentrations in the membrane phase have been studied. The electrode based on theophylline-HTOA membrane has a sub-Nernstian response range from 2.0 × 10 ~ 2-6.3 × 10 ~ (-5) mol / L, with an average slope of 48.0mV / pC. The limit of detection is 8.7 × 10 -6 mol / L. affected by pH in the range 10-12. The potentiometric coefficients of various common inorganic and organic ions including those which are similar to theophylline in structure were determined. The Na_2CO_3-Na_2B_4O_7 buffer of pH 11 is selected as the background solution for potentiometric measurements. The electrode was used for determining the theophylline in pharmaceutical preparations with satisfactory results.
我的好朋友张永峰即将辞去衢州学院教职,远赴异地工作了。  这是他人生中的一件大事。在我看来,大事似乎总该有个仪式才行。作为他的好友,当然应该去送行。于是,我决定从上海去衢州。  当然,除此之外,我还有一个私心,就是想到仰慕已久的“四省通衢、五路总头”之地的农村看看。这些年,我去过很多地区的村庄,做了些社会调查,但到目前为止,还唯独没有去过浙西南。  到了衢州,在永峰家里待了一天,我就迫不及待地向他
近日,河南郑州一名54岁男子因在烈日下活动,引起热射病抢救无效身亡的新闻让大家开始关注起高温防暑。人们对中暑一般都有所认识,但对于重症中暑——热射病却了解甚少,对其危险性更是茫然不知。  中暑分为先兆中暑、轻症中暑和重症中暑。重症中暑又根据病情严重程度分为:热痉挛、热衰竭、热射病。发生先兆中暑和轻症中暑时,只要迅速將患者移到阴凉处休息,补充含盐的水,患者通常不久就能恢复。但是如果中暑发展到重度中暑
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