
来源 :外国经济学说与中国研究报告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:runqiusheng
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2013年11月9日,正值中国共产党十八届三中全会胜利召开之日,由中华外国经济学说研究会主办、西南大学经济管理学院承办的“中华外国经济学说研究会第21届学术研讨会暨外国经济学说与当代中国经济”在重庆举行。程恩富、王振中、王志伟、方福前、余文烈、胡乐明等来自全国高校、科研院所的150多位专家学者出席了会议。中国社会科学院马克思主义研究学部主任程恩富会长致开幕辞。西南大学校长张卫国教授、经济 On November 9, 2013, at the time when the victory of the Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee was held, the seminar was sponsored by the China Association of Foreign Economic Studies and hosted by the School of Economics and Management of Southwest University. The 21st Academic Seminar of China Foreign Economics Symposium Seminar & Theory of Foreign Economics and Contemporary Chinese Economy "held in Chongqing. More than 150 experts and scholars from China’s universities and research institutes attended the conference, including Cheng Enfu, Wang Zhenzhong, Wang Zhiwei, Fang Fuqian, Yu Wenlie and Hu Leming. President Cheng Enfu, director of Marxism Studies Department of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, delivered the opening speech. Southwest University President Professor Zhang Weiguo, economy
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1 The main word1.1 Revenue from operating activities In 2014,sales revenue from nuclear technology appUcation and non-nuclear products reached 316million Yuan,a