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针对收费道路与公共交通并行的竞争交通系统,在异质用户的出行时间价值服从均匀分布的假设下,结合公共交通的边际成本定价和平均成本定价策略,建立了均衡交通模型,分析了出行者的出行行为.研究发现,随着出行者时间价值之间的差异增大,无论收费收入上交财政还是补贴公交,自驾车人数在不同定价策略下差距减小.进一步,基于效率和公平的准则,考察了道路拥挤收费收入再分配原则所导致的系统总出行成本的变化情况,对四种公交定价和道路收费收入再分配策略进行了对比分析.研究表明,当道路收费收入直接补贴给公交出行者时,比较系统的总出行成本,平均成本定价策略优于边际成本定价.从公平角度分析,当出行用户的时间价值差异不是很大时,无论公交采取边际还是平均成本定价策略,收费收入全部用于补贴公交用户会使得公平性提高.最后,算例结果验证了当固定成本足够大时,受补贴的公交平均成本定价策略是一种较优的策略. Aiming at the competitive transportation system with toll road and public transportation in parallel, under the assumption that the travel time of heterogeneous users obeys the uniform distribution, an equilibrium traffic model is established based on marginal cost pricing and average cost pricing strategy of public transportation. The study found that with the increase of the difference between the time value of travelers, the gap between the number of self-driving vehicles under different pricing strategies decreases, regardless of whether the fee income is turned over to finance or subsidized public transportation.Furthermore, based on the criteria of efficiency and fairness , Examines the changes of the total system travel cost caused by the principle of redistribution of road congestion charges and compares the four kinds of bus pricing and road distribution redistribution tactics.Research shows that when road toll revenue is directly subsidized to public transport , The more systematic total travel cost and average cost pricing strategy are better than the marginal cost pricing.From the perspective of fairness, when the time difference of travel users is not very large, regardless of whether the bus adopts the marginal or average cost pricing strategy, all the fee income Used to subsidize public transport users will make the fairness increase.Finally, the results of the example It verifies that when the fixed cost is large enough, the subsidized bus average cost pricing strategy is a better strategy.
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