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  Incense appreciation is an important lifestyle in Chinese culture. The refreshing fragrance of incense can lift your mood, calm your mind, and help your reflections.
  Formed as a reaction to fungal or bacterial attack to the tree, a good quality agarwood takes at least 50 years. Better ones may take hundreds of years.
  A vivid portrait of incense appreciation could be found in the Qing Dynasty masterpiece, A Dream of Red Mansion, in which many aspects of Chinese culture are described in detail. Till 1949, incense appreciation had been an admired mainstream lifestyle. The debut novel of Eileen Chang, for example, is titled Agarwood Pieces, The First Censer of Incense.
  Incense burning, tea brewing, floral arrangement, and painting have been known traditionally as the “four artful lifestyles”. As early as in 700BC, censer had become indispensable element in home decoration. Even nowadays when incense appreciation seems too extravagant, there are still people who study incense and enjoy the spiritual peace brought by incense burning.
  From ancient times to date, the focus of incense appreciation has shifted from fragrance itself to ceremonies. In the Qin and Han Dynasties (221BC to 220AD), incense was burned in charcoal fire for its fragrance. By Sui Dynasty (581-618), formalities had been developed around incense burning. And when it was passed to agarwood-scarce Japan in the Tang Dynasty, the art was developed to the extremes, where Kodo, the way of incense was formed and practiced.   But Kodo is only part of the incense culture. In the end, it is the incense wood that matters. Agarwood, for example, is the most precious material. Formed as a reaction to fungal or bacterial attack to the tree, a good quality agarwood takes at least 50 years. Better ones may take hundreds of years.
  But even more precious is the sensual and spiritual experience brought by incense. The unique medical elements in agarwood could help people relax and calm down, which aligns with the Taoist philosophy of inner cultivation. For ancient Chinese, incense appreciation is not just a fad, but a healthy lifestyle.
  Want to know why agarwood attracts people? Here are some stories shared by today’s agarwood lovers.
  Pan Yichen: Incense appreciation, a lifestyle
  Pan’s love of fragrance could be traced back to the lotion and floral water she used at childhood. As she studies abroad and starts to do business, she develops a habit of buying the best essence oil in every foreign city she visits.
  This lasted for 10 years until she came across agarwood in 2008 when she was invited to visit a collector near Jingshan, Beijing. Upon arrival, the collector led her and her friend into a guest room in his courtyard. The room is furnished with Ming Dynasty mahogany furniture. Pan was surprised to find on one of the shelves several glass container of wood.   But what was more surprising was the following act of the collector. He filled a censer with incense ash, lit the charcoal, placed some wood powder atop the charcoal, and handed the censer to Pan. Pan was overwhelmed by a refreshing aroma. “It was amazing. I felt a sweet, light fragrance going all the way up to my head. Unlike the fragrance of perfume and essence oil, it is refreshing and powerful.”
  She later learnt that it was heartwood, a most precious kind of agarwood. Some say it is a blessing to sniff the fragrance, and Pan found her favorite fragrance.
  Apart from its fragrance, incense appreciation is also good for health. Pan felt exhausted and stressed at that time as she was busy growing her business. But after that experience, she found her way of relax, through studying agarwood and incense.
  Incense helps to nourish the heart and calm the mind, agarwood incense in particular. “It may sound incredible, but since I started to learn incense culture, my health gets better and I am no longer troubled by the stress and exhaustion from my early years of building my business.”
  The health benefits come from the medicine elements in the agarwood. In fact, many incense wood are traditional Chinese medicines, said Pan. “Agarwood for example is good for relaxation, breathing and kidney. Incense appreciation is a way of health preservation.”
  Burning is not the only way to absorb incense. You can also granulate incense wood into powder to either eat or drink, or you may make a high quality wood into an artwork to be preserved and sniffed from time to time.
  She also studied Kodo in Japan. “Like tea brewing and floral arrangement, Kodo is a way to calm the mind and enjoy a physical and spiritual satisfaction in its slow and steady manners. ”
  相对于日式香道,中国的香文化则体现了一种随性的云淡风轻,就像一个道士焚上一炉香,然后神游天外,物我两忘。张丹阳觉得,若说日本香道是在极致中求自然,中国香文化则是大巧若拙、返璞归真。   “在品味沉香时,处处都是禅。例如沉香行成的原因,沉香木先受严重创伤,经过多年‘伤口’愈合,才能‘结出’最好的沉香。这本身就带着禅意。”
  Zhang Danyang, Zen in Incense Appreciation
  Zhang Danyang was born to an agarwood collector’s family. But he did not develop a real fondness of the wood until very recent years.
  At 20, he decided to love agarwood because “it is cool” and it makes him mysterious and popular among his friends. But he acknowledges that he did not understand the real charm of the wood in those years.
  He started to study Kodo when he was studying in Japan and he found out that Kodo plays an important role in Japanese culture. In ancient Japan, Kodo branched into two schools, the Oie-ryu School which prevailed among the court class, and the Shino-ryu School, which is popular among samuri. Even to date, Kodo is a very hierarchical activity in Japan. Only aristocrats and people with high social, economical and academic status can engage in Kodo.
  Zhang Danyang was attracted to the manners and formalities of Kodo. Each step of preparing Kodo is slow but rhythmic. The Kumikō is the epitome of Kodo ceremonies. On a Kumiko game, participants sit near one another and take turns smelling incense from a censer as they pass it around the group, then they write down the materials used in the incense, and finally a judge announces the right answer.
  In Japanese Kodo, agarwood is the highest quality raw material. Sometimes, Zhang Danyang would practice Kodo at home, not to perform for anyone, but to experience the Zen through the preparation and sniffing of incense. “Sometime we need agarwood and Kodo to leave the bustle of everyday life behind, quieten the mind, and practice introspection.”
  Unlike Japanese Kodo which seeks nature through ceremonies, Chinese incense culture is more casual and natural, like a Taoist lost in thinking with a censer of burning incense.
  “Zen is everywhere in incense appreciation. The best agarwood comes from the healing of a wood that has suffered many years of injury. This forming process speaks much of Zen.”
  Incense engraving
  Incense engraving originated in the Tang dynasty. Fill incense powder into an engraving mold, tamp it tight, and you will get an incense with patterns. When you lit it up, it will burn along the lines of the engraved pattern.   How to Prepare the Kodo Censer
  Fill the incense censer with incense ash, bury burning charcoal into the ash, place a silver leaf the buried charcoal, drop in some incense wood, then hold the censer in one hand, cover it with the other hand, and close in to sniff. The heating of the incense is slow and can be divided into three phases. Each phase is a unique experience.
  Xu Chufeng: No chances to take
  “Agarwood speculation is a very recent phenomenon. Agarwood has been priceless since ancient times that it could be used as hard currency like gold and silver.”
  Xu Chufeng has been appreciating incense for years. To him, the beauty of incense appreciating lies in the process. Like cigar or wine, incense produces different fragrance at different times and stages. The burning of incense can be divided into three stages.
  Apart from burning, agarwood is sometimes made into artworks. By place of origin, agarwood is generally divided into Huian agarwood and Xingzhou agarwood. The bigger and more aromatic Xingzhou agarwood is often made into artworks, while the smaller and more refined Huian agarwood smells better when hearted.
  Most agarwood enthusiasts would start by collecting Xingzhou agarwood, because it maintains value and does not need to be heated or burned. But once you are into it, you would soon turn to Huian agarwood, because like good wines, you do not get its real value until you have tasted it.   Some collector might go one step further to “mix incense”, which is to make incense based on your preference and health needs. But it requires full understanding of incense and knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. Only a limited number of people master the art of mixing incense.
  But for average collectors, what matters most is not how to mix incense, but how to tell authentic wood from fake. As the price of agarwood continue to rise, more and more fake agarwood find the way into the market. Most people get cheated because they think they can outsmart the sellers and buy a good wood at low price.
  Three years ago, a friend of Xu Chufeng bought a piece of heartwood at 1700RMB/gram when the market price was 5000 to 6000 RMB and presented it to Xu Chufeng for appraisal.
  “The ‘heartwood’ appears all right, but my friend was not confident, so I scrapped a little, heated it on the censer, and found out it is a ‘high quality fake’”. Xu said, heartwood is the most precious agarwood, so there could be fakes. “The more you see and appreciate, the easier it is for you to tell the difference.”
  It is easy to detect outright fakes, but it takes discernment to tell high quality fakes. As a saying goes among agarwood collector, a collector would “rather pay extra than buy a fake”. Never expect that you can take chances in the agarwood market.
  Heartwood is the most precious agarwood because it forms from inside the tree and therefore has richer resin. The aroma of heartwood is more volatile and lasting. The price of heartwood may vary from several thousand to over 10 thousand.
中国飞行——缺少沙龙的时代  圈里的人基本都去过EAA大会,没人不羡慕老美的飞行玩家的。因为飞行这种事儿自己一个人玩没啥意思,还是要人多才叫飞行生活。所以飞行是一种沙龙活动。真正的飞行客都非常愿意与其他爱好者交流飞行心得,可因为国内目前的种种限制,很多人的飞行不得不变得低调。  国内到底有多少架私人飞机,无人知道明确的数字,各种猜测都有,根据我自己的了解,除去动力伞和动力三角翼之外,不从事经营活动
奥什科什的“飞来者大会”向中国通航界传递了至少三个启示:私人飞行,是一种绅士运动;私人飞行,是一种潜力巨大的交通方式;私人飞行,能让国家与国家间的交往更自由、更开放。  TIPS “飞来者大会”的起源  奥什科什位于美国威斯康星州东部,原是大湖区和密西西比河间的贸易点,农、林、牧地区的重要集散中心。由于地处大湖区,相对繁华的商贸活动使这里在100多年前就已成为知名贸易中心。1969年,EAA“飞来
去非洲旅行,人们首先想到的交通工具是骆驼,其次是颠簸的越野吉普车,从撒哈拉到东非大草原,再钻进广袤的原始丛林,一路上疲惫地与黄沙、热汗为伍。或者,你还有其他选择,乘坐一架公务机,去丛林里追寻大猩猩;然后飞去草原上坐热气球,看动物迁徙;然后在非洲最美丽的河流上泛舟,总之你随时能飞到你想去的下一个目的地。  Rich people have many ways to enjoying life, pr
奥什科什的“飞来者大会”不仅为私人飞行刚刚起步的中国提供了参照,也为人类未来私人飞行发展提出了许多可能性。2013年“飞来者大会”的主题就是飞行器的“再私人化”。也就是除了飞机,未来会有更多更私人、更贴身的飞行设备成为我们生活必需品。在大会上,最受瞩目的未来私人飞行器包括以下几款:  “飞人”伊夫·罗西  从搭载自己升空的直升机上一跃而下,然后穿在身上的飞行翼两侧喷出气体。于是伊夫·罗西就悬在了空
其实在一个世纪以前,中国人就造出了自己的飞机。然后经历了北洋时期的政府更迭、民国时代的“黄金10年”、新中国的国有化时代、以及最近30年的政策开放,中国通航产业走过了一道曲折而有趣的历程。中国通航从何处开始,未来又会走向何方,这是本专题要探讨的问题。  很少有人知道,中国人的航空事业起步其实比美国人只晚了4年。1903年,当得知美国莱特兄弟发明了飞机后,旅美中国人冯如便决心制造飞机,发展中国的航空
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TIPS: The Origin of EAA AirVenture  Located at east Wisconsin, U.S.A., Oshkosh used to be a trade center between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi of agricultural, forestry and husbandry products. I
粤菜大概是中国被创新、折腾最少的菜系。因此它有幸保留了一脉相承、原汁原味的特点。可即使在少许创新里,它依然包含了三个较大的分支,它们一个向南、一个向北、一个发散到全世界。  粤菜的3种创新  北京人吃东西,讲究的是范儿——先看排场,再问吃食。上海人吃东西,讲究的是值——钱不是问题,但必须是一分货一分钱。广东人吃东西,第一讲究的就是味道——只要味道好,即使在简陋的大排档,也常常被宝马、奔驰围得水泄不
2013年8月10日至9月10日,“剥离” 国际当代玻璃艺术邀请展在北京798艺术区白盒子艺术馆举办。本次20位来自国内外的艺术家,通过对材料的探索,将玻璃“剥离”之后,呈现了一场令人惊喜的展出。  对于玻璃这种材质,荷兰雕塑家Bert van Loo在《材质的力量》一文中写道,“遇上热流,它是柔软而黏腻的,一旦冷却,它会立即变得硬实而锐利,同时却又脆弱而易碎——时而可见、时而隐形,时而固态、时而