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夜深人静,朦胧的月光使人惆怅。我在昏暗的灯光下懒散地翻着苏辙的《黄州快哉亭记》,其中的名句不禁令我拍案叫绝:“夫风无雌雄之异,而人有遇不遇之变。”。使其中坦然,不以物伤性,将何适而非快?”“不然,连山绝壑,长林古木,振之以清风,照之以明月,此皆骚人思士之所以悲伤憔悴而不能胜者,乌睹其为快也哉!”此等气势与胸怀,使我心中的悲戚一扫而空。这不禁让我想起另一位文人,苏舜钦。同朝为官,亦遭贬谪,但他同样对人生怀着积极的态度。不久前,我曾拜访其私宅,乃是苏州四大名园之一:沧浪亭。我和父亲到达沧浪亭时,苏州刚经历了十年不遇的特大台风。天色阴冷,细雨霏霏,街道旁的树木都被打得七零八落,一幅悲凉的景象。而沧浪亭,中国历史最悠久的一处园林,在这种景象的衬托下却越显得古朴庄重了。都说沧浪亭的特点是“未入园先成景”,果不其然。刻有“沧浪亭”的石牌坊矗立在眼前,园外的两方池水波澜不惊,上面点缀着几朵荷花。探头一看,园内葱茏的景色和园外浑然一体,不禁让人感慨主人的宽厚,愿把 In the dead of night, the bright moonlight is embarrassing. I dizzily flipped Su Shi’s “Huangzhou Kuai Pavilion” in the dim light, and the famous sentence could not help but make me scream: “There is no difference between men and women, and people have no chance to change.” In order to be calm, not to hurt, what will be appropriate rather than fast?“ ”Otherwise, even the mountains must have been destroyed, the ancient forests of Changlin, the breeze with the breeze, and the bright moon, all of them were so sad that they could not be sad. The winner and the Ukrainian are quick and swift!” The momentum and heart of this spirit wiped out the grief of my heart. It reminded me of another literati, Su Shiqin. The same official of the North Korea was also relegated, but he I also have a positive attitude toward life. Not long ago, I visited his private home, one of the four famous gardens in Suzhou: Canglang Pavilion. When my father and I arrived at Canglang Pavilion, Suzhou had just experienced a decade of no chance. In the typhoon, the sky was cold and drizzled and the trees beside the street were all beaten up and down, a sad picture, while Canglangting, the oldest garden in China, was under this scene. The appearance is more primitive and solemn, and it is said that the characteristic of Canglang Pavilion is that “it hasn’t entered the park before it becomes a scene”, which is not unreasonable. The stone arch carved with “Canglang Pavilion” is standing in front of the eyes, and the two parties outside the park are calm and stunned. There are several lotus flowers dotted, and the probe shows that the verdant scenery of the garden is integrated with the outside of the garden. Thick, is willing to
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摘 要:拉克司奈斯《萨尔卡·瓦尔卡》创作于1932年,展现了20世纪初期小镇渔民困苦生活中蕴含着的复杂的社会问题,其中性别斗争表现了作者敏锐的时代前瞻性。波伏娃《第二性》是第一部女性理论著作,依据《第二性》剖析萨尔卡的性别斗争,能科学了解其解放过程令其斗争道路变得清晰。  关键词:《第二性》 预热 《萨尔卡·瓦尔卡》 女性意识  20世纪30年代初,第一波女权主义运动的战火渐渐熄灭,第二波女权主义