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我国第一条高效率全自动石油套管作业线经过十八个月的安装调试,于今年8月在成都无缝钢管厂建成并投入生产。该工程各项技术指标均达到了设计要求,今年10月底已由国家计委和有关部门正式验收。该石油套管作业线,经投产证明,年产量可达到6万吨API石油套管,产品合格率可提高5%,成材率可提高2%。该作业线具有八十年代国际先进水平,各主机是当今世界上同类产品中最好的车丝机(法国)、拧接机(美国PMC)、水压试验机(西德曼内斯曼)、测长称重和喷印机(西德)等全套新设备,国内自己设计制造的一些设备和工艺设计亦达到 The first high-efficiency automatic oil casing operation line in China was installed and commissioned after 18 months. It was completed and put into production at the Chengdu Seamless Steel Tube Plant in August this year. The technical indicators of the project have all met the design requirements. At the end of October this year, the State Planning Commission and relevant departments formally accepted it. The oil casing production line, after production has proved that the annual output can reach 60,000 tons of API oil casing, the product pass rate can be increased by 5%, the finished product rate can be increased by 2%. This line has the international advanced level in the 1980s. Each host is the best of the same type of products in the world today (France), screw machine (US PMC), hydrostatic testing machine (West German Mannesmann) , long-term weighing and printing machines (West Germany), and a full set of new equipment, some equipment and process designs designed and manufactured in China have also reached
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“农用机井技术规范”编委会,于一九八六年五月十日至廿八日在北京市召开。参加会议的有河北、天津、山西、山东、河南、安徽、陕西和新疆等省代表十一人。本 The editoria