加快推进科技创新和跨越 增强船舶科技整体实力──《船舶科技发展“十一五”规划纲要》解读

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为全面贯彻落实《船舶工业中长期发展规划》和《船舶工业发展“十一五”规划纲要》,加强对全国船舶工业发展的引导,近日,国防科工委先后发布了《船舶科技发展“十一五”规划纲要》、《船舶配套业发展“十一五”规划纲要》和《全面建立现代造船模式行动纲要(2006-2010年)》。这三个关于船舶工业发展的专项规划,分别对“十一五”时期我国船舶工业在科技发展、配套业发展和建立现代造船模式方面的工作进行了部署,旨在进一步加快推进科技创新和跨越,增强船舶科技整体实力;提高本土化船舶配套产品装船率,推动造船与配套协调发展;努力解决阻碍我国建立现代造船模式的薄弱环节,尽快提高我国船舶工业制造技术水平和生产效率,切实转变经济发展方式,实现船舶工业又好又快发展。我们在杂志第9期和第10期上分别刊发对这三个专项规划的解读,以飨读者。 In order to comprehensively implement the “Medium and Long-Term Development Plan for Shipbuilding Industry” and “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” for Shipbuilding Industry Development and “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” for Shipbuilding Industry, and to strengthen guidance for the development of the country’s shipbuilding industry, the Commission for Science and Industry for National Defense recently released the " Outline of Eleventh Five-Year Plan, Outline of 11th Five-Year Plan for Shipbuilding Industry and Eleventh Five-Year Plan for Overall Development of Shipbuilding Industry and 2006-2010 Platform for Establishing Modern Shipbuilding Mode. The three special plans for the development of the shipbuilding industry were respectively deployed to the development of science and technology, supporting industries and the establishment of a modern shipbuilding mode in the period of the 11th Five-Year Plan in China so as to further accelerate the promotion of scientific and technological innovation Improve the overall strength of ship science and technology; improve the rate of localization of ship matching products, shipbuilding and supporting the promotion of coordinated development; efforts to solve the obstacles to our country to establish a modern shipbuilding model of the weak links, as soon as possible to improve China’s shipbuilding manufacturing technology and production efficiency, Effectively change the mode of economic development and achieve sound and rapid development of the shipping industry. We publish the interpretation of these three special programs in the 9th and 10th issues of the magazine in order to readers.
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There was a little girl who was praying in her bedroom. When her grandfather passed by, he tried to listen while she was praying. There was a little girl who w
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