
来源 :军事历史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yaki84
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新中国成立后,为加速正规化、现代化建设,人民解放军遂开展向苏联军队学习先进建设经验活动。本文在对这一历史过程进行详细考察的基础上,系统梳理了人民军队在学习苏联建军经验中出现的偏差和意见分歧,对1958年军委扩大会议有关反“教条主义”主题的确立进行了分析,从当时的国内、国际因素,以及中国共产党在探讨社会主义建设理论方面、处理党内不同意见方法上的缺失等不同层面,剖析了1958年全军开展反“教条主义”斗争的原因,也对这场斗争的消极影响进行了理性思考。 After the founding of new China, in order to speed up the process of standardization and modernization, the People’s Liberation Army started to carry out advanced construction experience activities with the Soviet army. On the basis of a detailed examination of this historical process, this paper systematically sorts out the divergences and disagreements between the People’s Armed Forces and the army during the study of the experience of establishing the Soviet Union. On the establishment of the theme of “dogmaticism” in the enlarged meeting of the Central Military Commission in 1958 Conducted an analysis, from the domestic and international factors at that time, as well as the Communist Party of China in the exploration of the theory of socialist construction, the lack of different ways of handling different opinions within the party and other different levels, the analysis of the 1958 army to carry out “Dogmatism” The reasons for the struggle have also given rational consideration to the negative impact of this struggle.
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【考点】  书面表达是每年中考必考题型,是考查学生交际能力的一个重要组成部分。书面表达通常有三种形式:  1.书信、日记、通知、留言、假条;  2.看图作文;  3.根据汉语提示作文。  无论是那一种书面表达形式,考生所写的短文都要紧扣主题、文理通顺,要素完整,语言准确、得当、格式正确、无大、小写和拼写错误,标点符号正确,能达到交际目的。    【解难】  一、训练方法  1. 记。  认真系统地
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1.你想去看电影吗?误:Do you want go to a movie?正:Do you want to go to a movie?析:动词want后面不可接动词原形作宾语,可接动词不定式(to do)作宾语。2.郭朋不喜欢喜剧
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