Optimum allocation of FACTS devices in Fars Regional Electric Network using genetic algorithm based

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University(Science A:An International Ap | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhongyi02w
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This paper presents a novel approach to find optimum locations and capacity of flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS) devices in a power system using a multi-objective optimization function. Thyristor controlled series compensators (TCSCs) and static var compensators (SVCs) are the utilized FACTS devices. Our objectives are active power loss reduction, newly introduced FACTS devices cost reduction, voltage deviation reduction, and increase on the robustness of the security margin against voltage collapse. The operational and controlling constraints, as well as load constraints, were considered in the optimum allocation. A goal attainment method based on the genetic algorithm (GA) was used to approach the global optimum. The estimated annual load profile was utilized in a sequential quadratic programming (SQP) optimization sub-problem to the optimum siting and sizing of FACTS devices. Fars Regional Electric Network was selected as a practical system to validate the performance and effectiveness of the proposed method. The entire investment of the FACTS devices was paid off and an additional 2.4% savings was made. The cost reduction of peak point power generation implies that power plant expansion can be postponed. This paper presents a novel approach to find optimum locations and capacity of flexible alternating current transmission system (FACTS) devices in a power system using a multi-objective optimization function. Thyristor controlled series compensators (TCSCs) and static var compensators (SVCs) are the utilized FACTS devices. Our objectives are active power loss reduction, newly introduced FACTS devices cost reduction, voltage deviation reduction, and increase on the robustness of the security margin against voltage collapse. The operational and controlling constraints, as well as load constraints, were considered in the optimum allocation. A goal attainment method based on the genetic algorithm (GA) was used to approach the global optimum. The estimated annual load profile was taken in a sequential quadratic programming (SQP) optimization sub-problem to the optimum siting and sizing of FACTS devices. Fars Regional Electric Network was selected as a practical system to validate the per formance and effectiveness of the proposed method. The entire investment of the FACTS devices was paid off and an additional 2.4% savings was made. The cost reduction of peak point power generation implies that power plant expansion can be postponed.
【摘 要】 班主任对学生的教育都是“严”“爱”相生,刚柔并济。“严”,即班主任要严格要求,严格管理,不放松,不迁就;“爱”,是对学生真诚宽容的爱。没有爱就没有教育,失去了爱的教育是没有生命的教育。“教育,首先是关怀备至地、深思熟虑地、小心翼翼地去触及年轻的心灵,在这里谁有细心和耐心,谁就获得成功。”“严”和“爱”要和谐统一,以心灵感受心灵,以情感赢得情感。  【关键词】 班主任工作;严格;关爱;后
【中图分类号】G63.03【文献标识码】A【文章编号】2095-3089(2013)29-0-01  “摆事实,讲道理”是议论文的传统写法,如果一篇议论文老是板着面孔说理,一定是面目可憎,拒人于千里之外的。俗话说“事实胜于雄辨”,精当的事例材料常常会收到强烈的论证效果。现在同学们在举例时存在着两种弊端,一是把例子当着故事来讲,不厌其长,显得罗唆,甚至和记叙文的写作方式没有什么两样,搞成了文体四不象
【摘 要】 在《3-6岁儿童学习与发展指南》中,语言教育领域就有“喜欢听故事、看图书”这一目标。在《指南》的教育建议中明确指出:为幼儿提供良好的阅读环境和条件。如:提供一定数量、符合幼儿年龄特点、富有童趣的图画书。绘本与其它同类的刊物相比,有其自身独具的优势。它以大图示多画面,来表诉一个完整单独的故事,画面色彩浓郁形象鲜明,画面之间联系紧密,容易吸引儿童的注意力,容易观察画面中角色的行为,容易判断
【中图分类号】G63.04【文献标识码】A【文章编号】2095-3089(2013)29-0-01  提问是教师最重要的语言活动,是教师所有教学技能的一个重要组成部分,是教师教学水平的一个体现。目前,在众多的语文教学方法中,课堂提问的诱导启发与思考问题、解决问题有着密切的关系,课堂设疑提问的质量直接影响着教学的质量。如何精巧设问,才能使得思考不再成为学生精神上的负担,而是一种身心的欢乐和享受,是每
随着矿山开采深度的加大,地压活动显现日益频繁强烈,尤其采场地压活动范围大,后果也更严重。这是因为: 1.采场规模远较巷道为大,形状也复杂; 2.采场随回采工作的进行,其规模
字中天,号天门山人。1986年毕业于安徽教育学院美术系。2001年进入中央美院国画系山水研究生班研修。现为中国美术家协会会员、马鞍山市书画院院长。 The word Zhongtian, N