Strategies for the Learning of English News Listening for English Major Students

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  【摘要】近年來,新闻英语听力日益受到英语专业学生的重视。在历年的英语专业考试中,新闻听力都是学生失分较多的部分。本文旨在为英语专业学生的新闻英语听力学习提供策略, 帮助他们提高英语学习水平。
  【Abstract】In recent years, English news listening has been attached more importance by English major students. In the TEM exams over the past years, news broadcast has always been the section where students lose scores. This essay is dedicated to study the strategies for English major students to improve their learning of English news listening.
  【Key words】English news listening; English majors; Strategies
  With the development of globalization, learning English has become a popular trend, and English news listening has also been attached great importance. Listening to English news not only helps improve English ability, but also broadens the horizon. However, compared with other forms of listening, news report has its own characteristics, such as high speed and special structure. These features, nevertheless, make it a challenge for English majors. Therefore, it is necessary for the learners to take some strategies to improve the situation.
  1. The Significance of News Listening in English Learning
  News listening can be very meaningful. English news listening helps enlarge learners’ vocabulary. There are more and more new words nowadays in English news relevant to various fields of subjects. This can boost the overall English competence, rather than just limited to the improvement of listening. News listening also helps learners increase confidence. Students feel confident and happy if they can understand quite a lot from the news broadcast. The satisfaction and confidence then turn into motivation and initiative, because interest is the best teacher.
  The functions of news listening are numerous which can greatly benefit the study of the students. That is why people nowadays attach increasing importance on news broadcast.
  2. Challenges of Understanding English News Broadcast
  Many English major students find news broadcast a big challenge. The biggest challenge is the various technical terms. To those university students who stay in the ivory tower for years, they are not sensitive to the international issues and events, so these technical terms are always out of their capability.
  The speed of news broadcast is another challenge. Some students complain about the high speed of voice and they wonder why news broadcast is so hurried and quick. In fact, this is because the quicker the voice, the more information the audiences can get. To the English locals, this presentation of news is acceptable, but to the learners, both the high speed and the large amount of information become challenges.   What is more, there are many English numbers in news broadcast, especially the news relevant to economics. These numbers are often very complex. Million, billion, and trillion always confuse students.
  3. Learning Strategies for English Major Students
  To improve English listening, learners need to read more newspaper and magazines to broaden their horizon, and know the background knowledge of news items. This is particularly important for English majors, who often merely touch with language terms and theories but neglect learning knowledge of other fields.
  For the high speed of voice, English learners have to listen to authentic news broadcast, such as VOA and BBC news report. It is not wise to listen to every news material only once. A piece of news item can be listened for several times, with the theme understood first and details caught later.
  Besides, Learners should cultivate interest in news listening to increase motivation and encouragement. This can be achieved by the sense of achievement after understanding every news material.
  4. Conclusion
  The importance of English news broadcast can be reflected not only from exams, but also in daily study and life. However, it is a challenge for the English major students. This is caused by the factors such as the features of news.
  Students should recognize the significance of English news listening and arouse interest in it. It is also necessary to learn the background knowledge of the news items by multi media.
  In conclusion, improving English news listening cannot be simply achieved by certain skills. Students can also cooperate with each other to make progress in the learning of English news listening.
【摘要】随着我国基础教育改革的不断推进,随着素质教育理念的不断深入,人们对于提高英语教学实用性的呼声也越来越高。在此背景下,小学生英语核心素养的提升成为一项重要任务。对于英语教学方式的变革以及如何提升小学生的英语核心素养,我主要从以下三个方面进行研究:注重绘本阅读以增强学生学习的兴趣;巧妙使用微课以提高课堂效率;培养学生文化品格,提高英语交际能力。  【关键词】信息技术;绘本;微课;文化品格  【
【摘要】本文针对陕西省普通高校大学英语EGP教学现状,基于语言经济学中的人力资本理论,分析了ESP教学存在的问题,提出ESP有效教学的路径及建议,从而实现外语教学的收益最大化。  【关键词】ESP教学;语言经济学  【作者简介】程鸣(1979.11-),西安工程大学人文学院,讲师,硕士研究生,研究方向:外语教学、语言经济学;李治(1979.07-),西安建筑科技大学公共管理学院,副教授,博士研究生
【摘要】中学英语教材在英语教学活动中起着十分重要的作用,教材的内容决定了学生学习的内容。随着新课程改革的不断推进,初中英语教材结合教学要求,开启了教学模式的新篇章。冀教版英语教材与传统教材相比,内容生动丰富,图文并茂,具有更强的实用性。本文冀教版初中英语教学为例,结合小组学习的教学模式,阐述了如何发挥其教材的作用,提升学生的语言运用能力。  【关键词】英语;小组合作;创新教学  【作者简介】滕彩霞
【摘要】随着国际化程度的不断推进,英语学习已经成为初中阶段教育的重要课程,为了给学生创造更好的交流机会和激励学生与学生、学生与老师之间相互合作,形成轻松愉悦的课堂教学氛围。经调研发现在初中英语教学中普遍存在一些问题急需纠正,初中小组英语学习给学生提供口语练习的机会,能激发学生学习英语的兴趣并提高学生的口语水平,增强课堂效率。  【关键词】初中英语:小组学习;分析  【作者简介】刘佳宁,南昌大学附属
【摘要】推进有效课堂教学必须提高课堂效率,改善课堂教学模式,采用多样化、有效率、符合学生认知模式的教学方法和手段。  【关键词】英语课堂;有效教学  【作者简介】王燕萍,江苏省苏州市相城区蠡口中学。  英语教学开课模式在最近几年悄然变化,原来我们看到的是多媒体手段的广泛运用,一时图像与图片齐飞,声响与音乐共鸣,一副热闹场景,学生开心,老师也是上得得心应手。有的老教师们感叹跟不上时代,学生们也开心乐
【摘要】英语列入考试大纲,受到的重视程度不断攀升。英语补课班如雨后春笋层出不穷。学前幼儿英语已是家长们的首选,英语教师的地位就水涨船高。所以,教师应以“职业为向导”深入分析学前英语教学的理念,完善高专学前教育英语教学的制度。  【关键词】 以“职业为导向”;高专学前教育英语教学;实践  【作者简介】余星星,江西应用工程职业学院。  学前教育对幼儿有重大的意义,伴随着其一生。学前教育的工作人员是由高
【摘要】思政教育,现如今是我国教育事业发展中的重要内容,它有助于提高学生思想道德品质和文化素养,但是当前高职英语课程在实施思政教育过程中仍旧面临着一些问题,其中教师不够重视思政教育、学生学习兴趣不高,教学评价体系缺失等问题的存在,使得思政教育工作难以顺利展开。所以本文针对高职英语课程思政实施路径展开深入探讨,希望以下论述观点内容能够为相关工作人员提供参考依据,进而满足学生多样化的学习需求。  【关
【摘要】经济的发展使得国际交流越来越频繁,大到国家、企业,小到个人生活,英语能力的重要性愈发凸显出来。本文针对大学生英语能力提升途经总结了几点心得,认为词汇、语法、发音是英语能力提升的三大要素,对英语能力的提升起着重要作用,据此提出几点英语能力提升的策略及方法,以期对英语能力提升需求者起到一定的借鉴意义。  【关键词】大学生;英语;能力提升;策略  【作者简介】黄天恺,绍兴文理学院外国语学院194
【摘要】伴随着教育资源的多元化,教学形式多样化,教育者需要满足学习者更加灵活、生动的进行课堂学习。信息技术支持下采用多样化的微课形式可以充分点燃初中英语课堂,激发中学生的课堂参与热情,最终达到提高初中英语课堂教学效果的目的。  【关键词】教育资源;教学形式;信息技术;微课  【作者简介】胡娜,睢宁县新世纪中学。  初中英语课程特点分析:1.重视学生对基础知识的记忆性;初中英语教学中需要学生熟记单词