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美国人的生活中有很多精彩的东西值得称赞,比如我能想起的就有《权利法案》(注:美国宪法的第一到第十条修正案,由1789年美国第一届国会批准通过,保障了美国人民的宗教信仰、言论、携带武器、诉讼审判等方面的自由)、《信息自由法案》(注:规定政府如果拒绝提供信息,必须说明理由,否则公众可以向法院起诉政府,该法案1966年在美国通过)以及免费续杯这三点——可是这三样没有哪一点比美 There are many wonderful things in American life that are commendable. For example, I can recall the Bill of Rights. (Note: The first to the tenth amendments to the U.S. Constitution, approved by the first U.S. Congress in 1789, Protect the freedom of religion, speech, arms embezzlement and litigation etc. of the American people), the Freedom of Information Act (Note: if the government refuses to provide information, it must state the reasons, otherwise the public can prosecute the government in the court. Passed in the United States in 1966) and the free renewal of these three points - but none of these three than the United States
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成长,是一串华美的项链,由一颗一颗的珍珠缀连而成;成长,是一条漫长的小路,远行者一步一个脚印走向远方;成长,是一条欢腾的小河,一股一股的水流汇集成一首欢乐的歌。 The gr
2010年3月11日,河南省巩义市人民法院一审的张某触电死亡一案,终审维持原判。张某,女,巩义市大峪沟镇农民。2008年7 March 11, 2010, Gongyi City, Henan Province People’
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