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目的 少年双眼视网膜脱离是视网膜脱离的特殊类型,对视功能及生存质量的影响十分严重。本文对少年双眼视网膜脱离患者的临床特点和手术效果进行观察及评价。方法 本院分析了1998/2002收治的9例少年双眼视网膜脱离患儿的(年龄≤15岁)发病年龄、性别、裂孔类 型、位置、形态和手术方法及效果等。结果 巩膜环扎加压术一次手术视网膜复位率为94.1%(16/17)。少年双眼视网膜脱离对视功能影响严重。结论 少年双眼视网膜脱离是一类严重危害视功能的疾病。视网膜裂孔以圆孔为主伴有周边视网膜格子样变性,多位于颞下象限,并且有一定的对称性。巩膜环扎加压手术为首选手术方式,成功率较高。 Purpose Juvenile binocular retinal detachment is a special type of retinal detachment, the impact on visual function and quality of life is very serious. This article on juvenile binocular retinal detachment in patients with clinical features and surgical effects were observed and evaluated. Methods The hospital analyzed the age, gender, type of hole, location, morphology and surgical methods and effects of 9 cases of juvenile binocular retinal detachment (age ≤15 years) admitted in 1998/2002. Results The rate of retinal reattachment after surgery for scleral buckling was 94.1% (16/17). Juvenile binocular retinal detachment on the visual function of a serious impact. Conclusion Juvenile binocular retinal detachment is a serious disease that compromises visual function. Retinal hiatus with a round hole mainly associated with peripheral retinal cell degeneration, mostly in the inferior temporal quadrant, and have some symmetry. Scleral buckling surgery is the preferred surgical method, a higher success rate.
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