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自一九六五年五月以来,工人日报开展了一个机关革命化、思想革命化的运动。开展这个运动的目的和要求是:以活学活用毛主席著作为纲,改造思想,改进报纸工作,充分调动全体职工的积极性和创造性,实现“有所发现,有所发明,有所创造,有所前进”。这次革命化学习开展得很好,取得了相当大的成绩。经过学习毛主席著作、联系个人思想,在自觉自愿的基础上,开展批评与自我批评,许多同志觉悟提高,心情舒畅,干劲倍增,机关内部政治空气浓厚了,同志们要求政治上进步更迫切了,办好报纸的信心更足了。这一时期,出现了一些新的气象。如雷厉风行的作风增强了,许多同志说干就干,一有任务,连夜出发采访,连夜编写;一切为报纸的思想明确了,部 Since May 1965, the Workers’ Daily has carried out a campaign to revolutionize and revolutionize its organs. The purpose and requirements of carrying out this campaign are to make the best use of Chairman Mao’s work as a key link, reforming our thinking, improving newspaper work, fully mobilizing the enthusiasm and creativity of all staff and workers, and realizing “discovering, inventing and creating Go forward. ” This revolutionary learning has been well conducted and has achieved considerable success. After studying Chairman Mao’s work, contacting individual thoughts and conducting voluntary criticism and self-criticism on the basis of voluntariness and self-criticism, many comrades have improved their consciousness, have a comfortable mood and increased their energy. Their political atmosphere in the organs is strong. Comrades have asked for political progress more urgently. The confidence to run newspapers is more adequate. During this period, some new weather emerged. A vigorous and resolute style has been strengthened. Many comrades say that they have done their jobs, they have a task, they start their interviews overnight, and write nightly. Everything has been clearly defined for the newspaper.
<正> 1872年4月30日,《申报》在上海创刊。在此之前,上海华文报纸只有《上海新报》。《申报》创刊不过八个月,便把已有十年历史的《上海新报》挤垮,取其位而代之,成为上海当时独家经营的华文报纸;以后逐步发展,成为旧中国报业界的巨头。