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省政府直属各单位:经省政府同意,现将省政府提请省人大常委会审议的法规议案(包括制定、修改、废止地方性法规的议案)说明的有关事项通知如下,请遵照执行:一、关于议案说明人。省政府提请省人大常委会审议的法规议案,如果省政府未作特别指定,均委托起草部门或者主要起草部门的主要负责人担任议案说明人,代表省政府向省人大常委会作议案说明。原起草部门或者主要起草部门因被撤并或者职能调整,其主要负责人不宜再受托担任议案说明人的,委托法规实施部门或者主要实施部门的主要负责人担任议案说明人。二、关于议案说明的内容。说明一般应包括如下内容:(一)提出议案的必要性和主要法律依据;(二)议案涉及的全省性工作的进展情况和存在问题;(三)议案拟 All units directly under the provincial government: With the consent of the provincial government, we hereby notify you of the relevant matters described in the proposed laws and regulations (including the drafting, revision and abrogation of local laws and regulations) submitted by the provincial government for approval. Please follow the implementation: About the motion explanation person. If the provincial government has not specified otherwise, all the bills proposed by the provincial government to the Provincial People’s Congress Standing Committee shall be entrusted to the main responsible persons of the drafting department or the main drafting department as explanators for the motion and to make explanations on the motion to the Provincial People’s Congress on behalf of the provincial government. Where the original drafting department or the main drafting department is withdrawn or the functional adjustment is made, the principal responsible person of the original drafting department or the major drafting department should not be entrusted with the explanation of the motion any more. The main responsible person entrusting the law enforcement department or the main implementing department shall act as the explanation person. Second, on the content of the motion description. The description should generally include the following contents: (1) The necessity and the main legal basis for making the motion; (2) The progress and problems of the province-wide work involved in the motion; (3)
关键词:补习班[案情] 本市某区一教师借一所技校的四间教室,召集了区内语、数、外几名教师开办一补习班,并聘请了一名退休人员专门四处张贴招生广告.声称是由专门在毕业班任
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二战爆发前,德国曾设计制造了相当多的鲜为人知的武器。这其中就包括福克-沃尔夫公司的 Fw 187,按后人的评论,Fw187之所以失败,并不能归咎于技术原因,而应该是由于来自人为
适合高超声速飞行器使用的另一种比较理想的动力装置是脉冲爆震发动机(PDE,pulse detonation engine)。说它奇特,是因为这种“新概念”发动机根据热力学爆震波理论,以汽油、