美国联邦铁路管理局(FRA)研究与发展部已选定8种货车转向架在货车转向架优选计划(TDOP)第二阶段中作线路运行试验。这8种转向架是: 1.DresserDR-I即导向臂式径向转向架; 2.Barber-Scheffel即对角斜撑径向转向架; 3.Devine-Scales即车体导向径向转向架; 4.NRUC Maxiride即仿法国Y25型式的转向架; 5.Nationa1 Swing Motion即改进型式的铸钢三大件转向架; 6.ACF Fabricated即改进型式的焊接结构三大件转向架; 7.A1usuisse即铝合金关节式侧架转向架; 8.National Axle Motion即H形构架、轮对自导向径向转向架。
The Department of Research and Development at the United States Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) has selected eight truck bogies for line operation tests during the second phase of TDFC. The eight bogies are: 1.DresserDR-I that is the steering arm radial bogie; 2.Barber-Scheffel diagonal diagonal radial bogie; 3.Devine-Scales that body-oriented radial bogie; 4.NRUC Maxiride that imitation France Y25 type bogie; 5.Nationa1 Swing Motion that is to improve the type of cast steel three big bogie; 6.ACF Fabricated that is improved type of welded three-piece bogie; 7.A1usuisse Aluminum articulated side frame bogie; 8.National Axle Motion that H-shaped frame, the wheel from the steering radial bogie.