
来源 :福建乡土 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fox_pop
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当庭立即做出判决,还真有几分难度。不然,只好旷日持久,什么事也决定不了。就像南宋的孝宗皇帝,一登基就广延文士,听取他们的意见,整整听了20年,最终无所作为。况且,这些文人们并不那么听话,有的性格执拗,有的言辞偏激,有的得理不让,常常弄得皇帝自己也下不了台。比如,寇准的刚直不阿是出了名的。端拱二年(989年)的一天,寇准在朝堂上奏事,言辞十分激烈,宋太宗听着有些生气,几次打断寇准的话,但寇准不依不饶。太宗大怒,起身离座要走。寇准却急步向前,一把拉住龙袍的衣角,硬是把皇帝拽回到座位上,坚持把话说完。 It is really hard for the court to make the verdict immediately. Otherwise, only prolonged, nothing can not decide. Like the Emperor Xiaozong of the Southern Song Dynasty, as soon as he started to entertain his scribes, he listened to their opinions and listened to them for 20 years without any accomplishments. Moreover, these literati are not so obedient, some stubborn character, some words extreme, some do not give way, often make the emperor himself can not get under control. For example, Kou Zhun’s straightforward is notorious. On the day of the end arch (989), Kou Zhun played a very important role in Chaothapang. His speech was very fierce. Song Taizong listened to some angry and interrupted Kou Zhun several times, but Kou Zhun refused to do nothing. Taejong furious, got up and left to go. Kou Zhun, but anxious to move forward, pull the robes of the clothes, just pull the emperor back to the seat, insisted finish.
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